The World Economic Forum seeks to rule the world

The World Economic Forum seeks to rule the world. Each year the world’s richest business people, powerful industrialists, and influential politicians gather at the World Economic Forum in Davos …More
The World Economic Forum seeks to rule the world.
Each year the world’s richest business people, powerful industrialists, and influential politicians gather at the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland, where they discuss how they will “improve the state of the world.” The founder and chairman of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, says proudly: "We are shaping the future of the world"4. They don’t consult you, of course, to hear if you are interested at all in their ideas. No, they just tell you what they are doing to radically transform every aspect of your life. Such as recording all your thoughts, emotions, and dreams 24/75. Or tracking everything you do, buy, wear, and eat6. Or even inserting thoughts and emotions into your mind7.
The World Economic Forum has a name for this radical transformation of the world: The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Klaus Schwab wrote a book about it in which he concludes that digitizing everyone can "... lift humanity into a new collective and moral consciousness …More
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adeste fideles
Miles - Christi ,vemos que sus publicaciones para la página de inglés siguen apareciendo en la de español..✍🏻
Miles - Christi
Muchas gracias por avisar, ya han enmendado el error...