" Francis told divorced woman 'living in sin' that she Could receive Holy Communion" RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW

Argentinian teacher Claudia Garcia Larumbe told she was 'speechless' after receiving the message from Francis

A childhood friend of Francis has claimed that he intends to overturn the centuries-old ban on Catholic priests from getting married and that he told a divorcee 'living in sin' that she could receive Holy Communion.

Francis considers the law on priestly celibacy 'archaic' and 'not part of the doctrine of the Church', according to the confidante.

The friend also claimed the Argentinian-born pope also vowed to reform another Catholic rule which bars divorced people in new relationships from taking the Holy Communion, Mail On line can reveal.
According to Oscar Crespo, Francis said that changing the Catholic law which bars civil divorcees from taking a full part in church life is the 'number one priority' of his papacy.


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image: dailymail.co.uk
adeste fideles
For Claudia García Larumbe, with Brotherly Love ...PADRE PIO Y LA MUJER ADÚLTERA TESTIMONIO
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adeste fideles
God corrects us and disciplines us because He loves us.. ✍️
adeste fideles
Otro caso semejante: Jacqueline Lisbona. / AUDIO radiocut.fm/…/jacqueline-lisb…
adeste fideles
We prayed for her.. ✍️