Ugly Vestment War. In 2007 The Crescat ( started a fun contest to see who could bring the ugliest picture of a liturgical vestment (from pretty much any denomination or otherwise …More
Ugly Vestment War.
In 2007 The Crescat ( started a fun contest to see who could bring the ugliest picture of a liturgical vestment (from pretty much any denomination or otherwise). The contest was a success and some bloggers might be hoping for a follow up in 2008. So here is the official promotional video!
C'est bien mieux que les jupes et dentelles et guipures romaines même si Benoit avec son cérémoniaire d'Écône s'habille ainsi !
Keith B.
The one with the macaw did it for me! What were they thinking?
I like the one with nuns with guns. Maybe they can take our some babykilling abortionists and save some babies from the hands of the baby butchers.