Free Lithuania Campaign. “In 1990 Lithuania stunned the world by declaring its independence. Despite Gorbachev’s glastnost it had to face a wrathful USSR alone without western help. To raise public …More
Free Lithuania Campaign.
“In 1990 Lithuania stunned the world by declaring its independence. Despite Gorbachev’s glastnost it had to face a wrathful USSR alone without western help. To raise public awareness in the West, and to give vital moral backing to the brave Lithuanians, the TFPs organised the largest petition drive in history.(…)
ON A COLD and blustery day in March 1990 President Vytautas Landsbergis put his official signature to Lithuania’s declaration of independence. The simple ceremony in Vilnius’ parliament building was to have colossal consequences: the break-up of the Soviet empire.
But the ink of Landsbergis’ pen was hardly dry before the backlash began. Mikhail Gorbachev ordered a blockade of Lithuania, intending to bring it to its knees. To show that he meant business, the soviet military began rampages of violence and intimidation in the capital Vilnius and elsewhere in the country.
All this was a far cry from the preceding five years, during which the smiling Gorbachev …More
Grazie Rodrigo io Lithuania 👏 👏
m sr a
Lithuanian parliament mulls anti-gay law
Lithuania's parliament Friday decided to push ahead with legislation imposing fines for the "public promotion of homosexual relations," a move gay-rights activists say could suppress gay pride parades.
In a first reading Friday, 31 legislators voted in favour and seven were against the draft law that envisages fines from 2,000 to 10,000 litas for "publicly …More
Lithuanian parliament mulls anti-gay law

Lithuania's parliament Friday decided to push ahead with legislation imposing fines for the "public promotion of homosexual relations," a move gay-rights activists say could suppress gay pride parades.

In a first reading Friday, 31 legislators voted in favour and seven were against the draft law that envisages fines from 2,000 to 10,000 litas for "publicly promoting homosexual relations".

Other lawmakers in the 141-seat parliament abstained or did not vote. Two more votes are needed to approve the controversial law, with the second reading expected in December.

In Lithuania, certain types of bills can pass with a majority of just half of lawmakers present making 36 the minimum number of votes required to pass a law.

"Such a law would prohibit public events, like Baltic (gay) Pride," Vytautas Valentinavicius, head of the Vilnius-based equal rights and social development center, told AFP on Friday.

"In this vote, lawmakers showed their attitude towards human rights and European values," he added.

"Any evil cannot be propagated. Such events like gay parades do great harm to children," Petras Grazulis, the legislator who tabled the draft legislation told AFP after the vote.

An ex-Soviet nation of 3.3 million, Lithuania joined the European Union in 2004.