Gloria.TV News on the 12th of September 2014 Broken Promise: The Catholic League will not march in New York City’s St. Patrick’s Day Gay Parade 2015. The League is a civil rights organization with over …More
Gloria.TV News on the 12th of September 2014

Broken Promise: The Catholic League will not march in New York City’s St. Patrick’s Day Gay Parade 2015. The League is a civil rights organization with over 200,000 members. It had asked the Parade’s organizers to pledge that not only homosexualists but also pro-life groups would be permitted to the Parade. The organizers agreed but later the League found out that no pro-life group will march in next year’s parade.

Protecting the Crown: The president of the Catholic League, Bill Donohue vehemently rejected attempts to pit him against Cardinal Dolan, the Grand Marshal of the 2015 St Patrick’s Day Gay parade. Quote: “The suggestion that I am at odds with the New York Archbishop is not only false, it is despicable. Cardinal Dolan has no more rabid supporter than Bill Donohue.” He adds: “My reasons for withdrawing from the parade have nothing to do with Cardinal Dolan or with gays. It has to do with being betrayed by the parade committee.”

Let The World Have Them: Instead of being the Grand Marshall of next years St Patrick’s Day Gay Parade in New York Cardinal Tim Dolan could just celebrate Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral but have no other involvement with the parade – Kate O’Hare writes on breitbart.com. Quote: “In that way Cardinal Dolan could observe the day in a manner proper to the Church, and let the rest of the city celebrate in its own way. She adds: “The Feast Day of St. Patrick belongs only to the Church, but the green beer, "Kiss Me I'm Irish" buttons, plastic leprechaun hats, and binge drinking belong to the world. Let the world have them.”

Deathbed Ordination: 51-year-old William Carmona was a fourth-year seminarian but suffered from cancer. When Nashville Bishop David Choby learned of his grave condition he decided to ordain him immediately. The ceremony took place on Sept. 8, two days prior of Fr Carmona’s death. During the ordination he lay silently in a hospital bed being unable to respond verbally. The ordination Mass, with a choir of seminarians, lasted an hour-and-a-half. Carmona was born in Colombia and worked in a clothing and grocery store to earn money to continue his seminary education.
Prayer for Our Family in Iraq
Gracious God, we place before you our
sisters and brothers in Iraq.
They are numbed and almost
immobilized by the horrendous
violence they have experienced over
the past weeks.
We can hardly imagine the intense
sadness and grief, the confusion and
anger that dominate their own
thoughts and prayers this day.
We know that it is you who can turn
minds to thoughts of peace. …More
Prayer for Our Family in Iraq
Gracious God, we place before you our
sisters and brothers in Iraq.
They are numbed and almost
immobilized by the horrendous
violence they have experienced over
the past weeks.

We can hardly imagine the intense
sadness and grief, the confusion and
anger that dominate their own
thoughts and prayers this day.
We know that it is you who can turn
minds to thoughts of peace.
Your Spirit can change hearts. Even
enemies begin to speak to one another
and nations seek the way of peace

Your Spirit is at work when
understanding puts an end to strife,
when hatred is quenched by mercy, and
vengeance give way to forgiveness.
For this we never cease to thank you, for
the presence and action of that Spirit in
the world.

We simply place our family in Iraq in
your tender and loving care.
We pray this in the name of our brother
Jesus. Amen. 🙏
Please everyone report this jerk "aboleku"! He is a scammer!
Perhaps he was betrayed because he betrayed God first by consenting to allow the gay banner. Don't play games with the devil because you'll lose.
Janet O'Connor
I agree with Bill Donohue decision not to march in the Parade next year, but I also agree with Breitbart that the Cardinal could have just celebrated Mass in St Patrick's and just leave it at that. Donohue sometimes tends to blow hot and cold according to other well known EWTN stars,
I agree: let the world be the world but if the Church joins in with the world then we are in troubles.
Kate O’Hare makes a timely and great suggestion for Cardinal Dolan, stay away from the parade and celebrate Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral; also she may want to add, celebrate the Traditional Mass, some good orthodox preaching and traditional music for St. Patricks Day.
Kate O’Hare makes a timely and great suggestion for Cardinal Dolan, stay away from the parade and celebrate Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral; also she may want to add, celebrate the Traditional Mass, some good orthodox preaching and traditional music for St. Patricks Day.

Why do they have to march? can they just live their faith if they are Catholics? 😡
''The Catholic League will not march in New York City’s St. Patrick’s Day Gay Parade 2015''. 👍 Very Wise decision. 😊
As a New Yorker I am sickened! 🤮 I will not go to the gay parade! I hope God knocks down and destroys the Cathedral now! punishment for the bishops sins! This is outrageous! 😡