Gloria.TV News on the 15th of October 2015 Angry Pope: Sandro Magister has pointed out to the fact that the letter of the 13 cardinals he published yesterday, was made public already on October 8th by …More
Gloria.TV News on the 15th of October 2015

Angry Pope: Sandro Magister has pointed out to the fact that the letter of the 13 cardinals he published yesterday, was made public already on October 8th by Andrea Tornielli on Vatican Insider. Tornielli is Pope Francis’ court journalist who often visits him in Santa Marta. His article shows detail knowledge of the intervention and does not hide anger about it. Also Francis showed an indignant reaction after receiving the letter when he launched an attack against the 13 Cardinals during the plenary meeting of the Synod on Tuesday, October 6th.

Surprising? Statistics released last week show that U.S. Episcopalians continue to decrease at an alarming rate. The group has lost 50% of its members since the mid-1960s, even as the U.S. population has more than doubled. It has lost more than a quarter of its attendance since 2003. Should it surprise Gloria.tv that a majority of the Synod on the Family seems to want to go down the Episcopalian slope?

Horrific: 17-year-old Emily Pascal from Gurnee, Illinois, had her healthy breast removed to make her look exteriorly like a male. Her parents cited a potential suicide as a key reason for pursuing the body-disfiguring operations. They were encouraged by the open homosexual Robert Garofalo, who heads up the “Gender and Sex Development Program” in Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago. Peter La Barbara writes on amerciansforthruth.com: “I am stunned at what passes for science and medical care these days.” And: “Will we all one day as taxpaying Americans be subsidizing these horrific procedures through Obama-care?”

Dry: Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin who is in charge of Foreign Affairs of Moscow Patriarchate, has revealed that he liked the music Elton John produced from the 1970s to early 2000s. But he believes that homosexuality negatively influenced Elton John’s work. “His creative energy started running dry," the priest told Interfax-Religion on Monday. According to Chaplin, "homosexuality changes a person's psychology and his public and creative priorities."
adeste fideles
✍️ Nada está oculto a los ojos de Dios.
Noticias en Español
Aqui impera mas el respeto humano a favor del moderador que la defensa de la Verdad siguen las noticias que que removió @Discipulus vs Grace vs @Celeste Bonaluz sin ser devueltas. Furiosa respuesta de Francisco tras hacerse pública la "Carta de los 13"
Victimas de Abuso Sexual en Chile piden explicación a Francisco sobre sus declaraciones - Caso Osorno-
Dr Tom Ward and Cardinal Burke
ROME, 15 October 2015: Cardinal Raymond Burke and pro-family experts have said that parents’ rights as the primary educators of their children must be upheld, as the Synod on the Family passes its half-way mark.
Cardinal Burke and the experts made the call at a …More

Dr Tom Ward and Cardinal Burke

ROME, 15 October 2015: Cardinal Raymond Burke and pro-family experts have said that parents’ rights as the primary educators of their children must be upheld, as the Synod on the Family passes its half-way mark.

Cardinal Burke and the experts made the call at a press conference this morning near St Peter’s Square, held by Voice of the Family voiceofthefamily.com an international coalition of 26 pro-life and pro-family organisations on five continents.

“May God inspire and strengthen the work of the Synod of Bishops, so that, in accord with the nature and purpose of the Synod, it may assist the Holy Father in safeguarding and promoting the constant teaching and practice of the Church regarding marriage and the family”, said the cardinal.

He explained that the Second Vatican Council “made clear that that the primary responsibility for the education of children belongs to parents”. He also warned that: “Today, parents must be especially vigilant, for sadly, in some places, schools have become tools of a secular agenda inimical to the Christian life. One thinks, for example, of the compulsory so-called “gender education” in some schools, which is a direct attack on marriage at its foundation and, therefore, on the family.”

Cardinal Burke commended Voice for the Family for “its critical work of assisting” the Synod on the Family.

John-Henry Westen

John-Henry Westen, co-founder of Voice of the Family and editor-in-chief ofLifeSiteNews.com, the world’s largest pro-life news-agency, introduced himself as a father of eight children, saying:

“I am here to defend my children and to challenge fathers everywhere to do the same. I’m speaking about the current worldwide attempt to impose on all children a sex education that is more properly called sexual abuse than education. Sadly, it is an abusive education that in much of the Western world is aided and abetted by many bishops of the Catholic Church and those in charge of Catholic school education.”

Maria Madise, manager of Voice of the Family, delivered a statement by Voice of the Family, which stated that paragraph 86 of the Synod’s working document (Instrumentum Laboris)

“contains a direct attack on the rights of parents. The paragraph states that “the family, while maintaining its privileged spot in education, cannot be the only place for teaching sexuality.” This statement is directly contrary to Catholic teaching which affirms the right and duty of parents to be the first and foremost providers of education to their children in sexual matters.”

Maria Madise

She added: “There is a serious failure to identify and condemn the structures of sin being established throughout the world which tend towards the corruption of children”, and asked: “How is it possible that the Synod authorities can be so blind to the spiritual dangers and to the danger to the lives and welfare of parents and children, both inside and outside of the Church?”

Dr Thomas Ward, a corresponding member of the Pontifical Academy for Life and past-president of the National Association of Catholic Families (NACF), told the assembled journalists that:

“In revealing language Section 86 of the Instrumentum Laboris states that courses are to be provided ‘in a proper language of sexuality’. There is no mention of the language of Jesus Christ of chaste love. Indeed the word purity is not mentioned. There is no mention that the courses must be authentically Catholic, nor that Catholic parents must control them and birth-control, abortion and homosexualist agencies must be excluded. There is also no mention that in Catholic schools it will be for parents, without pressure, to decide what if any access to these courses they will make. And there is no mention that parents must be told the content with due warning and then if they wish to opt in not out.”

The Synod Fathers must reject section 86 and other “noxious” sections of the Instrumentum Laboris “for the sake of the survival of Catholic families and therefore the Church”, said Dr Ward.

Voice of the Family is available in Rome for interview throughout the Synod, which concludes in the last week in October. Please contact:

by email to enquiry@voiceofthefamily.com

by telephone on +44 7507 742957 or +44 20 7820 3129
The representatives of a small part of humanity (as example, the US president was elected by 20% of the people) want a one world government, a one world economic system and a one world religion. But they are going to achieve these things by arrogance and necessity.
The "global goals" are a template for a dictatorial united world. For those that know what time it is, this call for a "united world" …More
The representatives of a small part of humanity (as example, the US president was elected by 20% of the people) want a one world government, a one world economic system and a one world religion. But they are going to achieve these things by arrogance and necessity.
The "global goals" are a template for a dictatorial united world. For those that know what time it is, this call for a "united world" is very chilling.
The formal name of this new plan is "the 2030 Agenda", but those behind it decided that they needed something catchier when promoting these ideas to the general population. The UN has stated that these new "global goals" represent a "new universal Agenda" for humanity. Virtually the politicians of every nation has willingly signed on to this new agenda, and we are expected to participate whether we like it or not.
They conceal of course, how accurate they want to achieve this "goals".
When you read over these "global goals", many of them sound quite good. After all, who wouldn’t want to "end hunger"?
The key is to look behind the language and understand what is really being said. And what is really being said is that the outlaws want to take their mad dream of a one world system to an bad deal.

adeste fideles
Thank you Noticias en Español ✍️ There is an attempt to undermine the testimony of victims of abuse in Osorno
Noticias en Español
@Gloria.TV News This video is a Defamation against the victims of sexual abuse in Chile. Please remove this video: Francisco y la verdad del caso Osorno-Chile
@Discipulus is abusing the power to post news and his is posting his own article as is was news.More
@Gloria.TV News This video is a Defamation against the victims of sexual abuse in Chile. Please remove this video: Francisco y la verdad del caso Osorno-Chile

@Discipulus is abusing the power to post news and his is posting his own article as is was news.
Noticias en Español
@Gloria.TV News This user @Discipulus is posting an old article that he made as a news using his own video. @Discipulus is Abusing the privilege to post news. And he is using capital letters to scream us.
El Papa Francisco y la verdad del caso Osorno-Chile... NO LAS MANIPULACIONES.
And also @Discipulus many time has deleted this article Victimas de Abuso Sexual en Chile piden explicación a …More
@Gloria.TV News This user @Discipulus is posting an old article that he made as a news using his own video. @Discipulus is Abusing the privilege to post news. And he is using capital letters to scream us.

El Papa Francisco y la verdad del caso Osorno-Chile... NO LAS MANIPULACIONES.
And also @Discipulus many time has deleted this article Victimas de Abuso Sexual en Chile piden explicación a Francisco sobre sus declaraciones - Caso Osorno-
Below is a statement by Voice of the Family being delivered at our press conference in Rome this morning, which is also being addressed by His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke:
Paragraph 86 of the Instrumentum Laboris, the basis of the work of the Ordinary Synod, states that “the family, while maintaining its privileged spot in education, cannot be the only place for teaching sexuality”. …More
Below is a statement by Voice of the Family being delivered at our press conference in Rome this morning, which is also being addressed by His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke:
Paragraph 86 of the Instrumentum Laboris, the basis of the work of the Ordinary Synod, states that “the family, while maintaining its privileged spot in education, cannot be the only place for teaching sexuality”.

In 17 words in the English text, and in particular the word “cannot”, the Vatican authorities who drafted the Instrumentum Laboris, cast aside the natural law, Catholic doctrine, and the UN Declaration of Human Rights. In so doing, they consign the family, the domestic church, both parents and children, to the mercy of the secular powers, the wolves, who are intent on devouring them.

In expressing this opinion, the Catholic laity who lead Voice of the Family do so to fulfil our responsibility outlined in Canon 212 of the Code of Canon Law:

According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they [the Christian faithful] have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons.[1]

There is an unequivocal determination on the part of the world’s most powerful politicians and UN officials to destroy parental rights regarding their children’s education and formation.

A few months after Barack Obama first became the US president it was confirmed that his administration would be promoting legalised abortion throughout the world, targeting adolescents, without reference to parents, in a worldwide abortion drive.

Despite the fact that Article 26 (3) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says “Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children” powerful bodies such as the UN’s Compliance Committee for the Convention on the Rights of the Child are putting pressure on developing nations, particularly African nations, to give children from 12 years old access to contraception and abortion. They do so by resorting to the false argument that a child’s right to health requires States to legalise access to contraception and abortion, for children as young as 12, and without the knowledge of parents.

In addition UNESCO and the World Health Organisation together with powerful western nations and non-governmental organisations are promoting anti-life and pornographic sex education programmes which seek to eliminate the role of parents as the primary educators and protectors of their children.

The freedom of parents to fulfil their role as the primary educators of their children in sexual matters is under severe threat worldwide due to sex education pushed by UN agencies, IPPF and other bodies. In 2011, at the Commission on the Status of Women at the UN in New York, theInternational Planned Parenthood Federation, the Population Council and other pro-abortion groups held a meeting to launch worldwide a massive programme of so-called comprehensive sex education entitled: It’s All One Curriculum:

Through this programme these powerful NGOs funded by governments worldwide are telling teachers of young children that sexual self-abuse is a human right. They say:

“Sexuality may be expressed by oneself … Sexuality — expressed alone…can be a source of pleasure and meaning in life. (p.84) “ … Masturbation is an important way that people learn about their bodies and sexuality … Masturbation is a safe sexual behavior. It is neither physically nor mentally harmful.” (p.99)

Parents of families in western nations are also denied the right to control sex education in their children’s schools, including in Catholic schools. In England and Wales, for example, young people have access to contraception and abortion without the knowledge of their parents, including in Catholic schools with the authority of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. In addition, teachers in British primary schools are being trained by “Stonewall”, a militant homosexual “rights” group which has a policy that little boys must be taught that they might grow up to marry a man, and that little girls must be taught that they might grow up to marry a woman. Training by Stonewall for teachers is also happening in Catholic primary schools with the co-operation of the local Catholic authorities.

Going back to paragraph 86 of the Instrumentum Laboris of the Ordinary Synod on the Family: It contains a direct attack on the rights of parents. The paragraph states that “the family, while maintaining its privileged spot in education, cannot be the only place for teaching sexuality.” This statement is directly contrary to Catholic teaching which affirms the right and duty of parents to be the first and foremost providers of education to their children in sexual matters.

Paragraph 86 of the Instrumentum Laboris leaves parents and children at the mercy of the International Planned Parenthood Federation and other similar organisations. It is not only parents and children in developing nations, which are dependent on the aid of powerful western governments, who are at risk, but also families, including Catholic families, in western nations.

How is it possible that the Synod authorities can be so blind to the spiritual dangers and to the danger to the lives and welfare of parents and children, both inside and outside of the Church?

Voice of the Family considers that one of the most gravely concerning elements of theInstrumentum Laboris is the neglect of an adequate discussion of sin, even when discussing objectively sinful practices. If divorced and civilly remarried Catholics are admitted to the sacraments, there is no reason for cohabiting couples or even couples of the same sex not to receive the sacraments. This will inevitably lead to destruction of the natural moral law and the notion of sin. There is a serious failure to identify and condemn the structures of sin being established throughout the world which tend towards the corruption of children. How can Catholic parents bring up their children in faith, how do they protect them from immoral, degrading sex education programmes and the delivery of the so-called confidential service of contraception and abortion to children as young as 12 years old if there is no concept of sin? The failure to identify these real threats facing the family further undermines the freedom of parents to fulfil their role as primary educators.

The words of Christ in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 11, verses 33-34, come to mind in this grievous element of the Instrumentum Laboris as well as others:

“The light of thy body is thy eye. If thy eye be single, thy whole body will be lightsome: but if it be evil, thy body also will be darksome. Take heed therefore, that the light which is in thee, be not darkness.”

Pope John Paul II repeated the constant teaching of the church in Familiaris Consortio when he said in section 37:

“Sex education, which is a basic right and duty of parents, must always be carried out under their attentive guidance, whether at home or in educational centres chosen and controlled by them. In this regard, the Church reaffirms the law of subsidiarity, which the school is bound to observe when it cooperates in sex education, by entering into the same spirit that animates the parents”.

Catholic teaching which is opposed by the drafters of the Instrumentum Laboris is, however, supported by the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

The distinguished US attorney and bioethicist, William L. Saunders Jnr, explains how the Universal Declaration of Human Rights upholds parents as the primary educators of their children. He says: [quote] … article 26(3) recognizes that parents are the primary educators of their children. ‘Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children’ [the article states]. Article 26 recognizes the priority of the wishes of parents regarding the education of their own children over any designs of the state

William Saunders underlines the historical significance of the Universal Declaration’s insistence on parents as the primary educators of their children by citing Mary Ann Glendon, Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and former US ambassador to the Holy See, and former President of the Pontifical Academy for Social Sciences. In her authoritative book on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights A World Made New Mary Ann Glendon writes:

“In the article on education [26]…[the drafting committee for the Declaration] made an important change, influenced directly by recollections of the National Socialist regime’s efforts to turn Germany’s renowned educational system into a mechanism for indoctrinating the young with the government’s program…. [A]fter Beaufort of the Netherlands recalled the ways in which German schools had been used to undermine the role of parents, a third paragraph was added: ‘Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.’”

“In other words” William Saunders comments [quote] “one of the most important lessons drawn by the framers of the Declaration from the experience of the Second World War was that parental choice in education is a fundamental plank of international peace and security”.

Tragically, nearly 70 years on from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the terrors of the Second World War, it seems that this lesson has not been learned, not least by the Catholic Church authorities who drafted the Instrumentum Laboris for the Family Synod

Voice of the Family, therefore, calls on Synod Fathers at the Family Synod to assert the rights of parents to be the primary educators of their children and to take immediate steps to defend parents and children against all violations of this right, which are becoming ever more pressing and grave including in Catholic institutions.

Paragraph 86 must not be approved in its current form. Any document which undermines parental rights in any way must be resisted by all Catholics, and by all men and women of good will.

[1] Code of Canon Law, Canon 212 §3.

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La Ira es uno de los siete pecados capitales. 🤨 Sea todo hombre refrenado en la ira, porque la ira del hombre no se compadece con la justicia de Dios. Sant 1, 19-20.
3062 La ira es un movimiento que impulsa a venganza de las injurias recibidas (Santo Tomás , Sobre los mandamientos, 1. c., p. 264).
Noticias en Español
Papa enfurecido: Sandro Magister ha señalado el hecho de que la carta de los 13 cardenales que publicó ayer, se hizo pública el 8 de octubre por Andrea Tornielli en Vatican Insider. Tornielli es una periodista que con frecuencia visita a Francisco en Santa Marta. Su artículo muestra detalladamente el conocimiento de la intervención y no oculta la ira sobre él. También Francisco mostró una reacción …More
Papa enfurecido: Sandro Magister ha señalado el hecho de que la carta de los 13 cardenales que publicó ayer, se hizo pública el 8 de octubre por Andrea Tornielli en Vatican Insider. Tornielli es una periodista que con frecuencia visita a Francisco en Santa Marta. Su artículo muestra detalladamente el conocimiento de la intervención y no oculta la ira sobre él. También Francisco mostró una reacción de enfado después de recibir la carta cuando lanzó un ataque en contra de los 13 cardenales durante la sesión plenaria del Sínodo el martes 6 de octubreCard. Müller: Filtración de supuesta “carta” para el Papa busca dividirnos