Same-Sex “Marriage,” Reparation, Exorcism, and Divine Punishment

An Appropriate Ceremony by the Bishop of Springfield
This means that the ceremony titled Prayers of Supplication and Exorcism in Reparation for the Sin of Same-Sex Marriage, performed by Most Rev. Thomas John Paprocki,bishop of Springfield (Illinois) at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, on November 20, 2013 was fully appropriate.[2]

In his homily, Bishop Paprocki explained the ceremony’s reason: “Our prayers at this time are prompted by the fact that the Governor of Illinois today is signing into Illinois law the redefinition of civil marriage, introducing not only an unprecedented novelty into our state law, but also institutionalizing an objectively sinful reality.”

Running counter to the dominant political correctness, he added: “It is not hateful to say that an immoral action is sinful. On the contrary, the most compassionate thing we can do is help people to turn away from sin. To ignore another person's wrongful actions is a sign of apathy or indifference.”And further on: “God's mercy and forgiveness extend to those who repent. Mercy does not mean approving of something that is sinful, but does absolve the wrongdoer after a change of heart takes place in the sinner through the gift of God's grace.”

The Bishop of Springfield then went on to recall basic principles of Catholic morals, including the grave responsibility of the legislators who approved the iniquitous law, and of the governor who signed it: “Politicians responsible for enacting civil same-sex marriage legislation are morally complicit as co-operators in facilitating this grave sin.”
