Gioele Magaldi, author of "Massoni": Angelo Roncalli was a masonic initiate

Gioele Magaldi, Italian author and historian, contends in Massoni - La Scoperta delle Ur-Lodges that Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII was initiated first in the Rosicrucian leaning Ur-lodge "Ghedullah" (Istanbul), and later in the lodge "Montesquieu" while papal nuncio in Paris.

Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII: Initiate of the "Ur-Lodges" "Ghedullah" and "Montesquieu"

Jeffrey Ade
Great link, thank you!
Ivan Tomas
What a strange moment, snapshot and expression of Roncalli and Montini hier.
Malki Tzedek
Very sad, dare I say illuminating, if true. "Opening the windows" and "building bridges" must have them rolling in the aisles at lodge meetings.