Santiago Gracia

John Paul II's Anthroposophical Journey to Assisi

From the French Journal Société Augustin Barruel, no. 27: "Rudolph Steiner et l'inspiration théosophique d'Assise" (pp 28-32) (Rudolf Steiner and the theosophical inspiration of Assisi), my translation …More
From the French Journal Société Augustin Barruel, no. 27: "Rudolph Steiner et l'inspiration théosophique d'Assise" (pp 28-32) (Rudolf Steiner and the theosophical inspiration of Assisi), my translation of the article:
"Among the conferences from the Cycle dedicated to the Gospel of Mark, we find this key text relating to Assisi:
What will happen when the individual faithful from the different religious systems will understand each other thus, when the Christian will say to the Buddhist: “I believe in your Buddha”, and when the Buddhist will say to the Christian: “I can understand the mystery of Golgotha just as you yourself understand it.”? What will come upon humanity when something such as this becomes the norm? Peace will arrive among men, a reciprocal recognition of all religions. And this must [one day] arrive. And the anthroposophical movement must constitute [the basis for] such an authentic reciprocal understanding of all religions."
John paul ii's anthroposophical journey to …More
Cassandra Laments
"Peace will arrive among men, a reciprocal recognition of all religions. And this must [one day] arrive." It always amazes me that these people think …More
"Peace will arrive among men, a reciprocal recognition of all religions. And this must [one day] arrive." It always amazes me that these people think that their own ideology and dreams must one day materialize, presumably because they think they can't be wrong, but it never occurs to them that it would arrive if only humanity obeyed God. Strange.
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
The consequences of cooperating with the kingdom of hell.

What John XXIII REALLY said at his deathbed

John XXIII is often credited in "traditionalist" circles with making a desperate plea on his deathbed for the Council to be brought to a speedy end, crying, "Stop the Council, stop the Council!", but …More
John XXIII is often credited in "traditionalist" circles with making a desperate plea on his deathbed for the Council to be brought to a speedy end, crying, "Stop the Council, stop the Council!", but is such a claim based on any sound factual evidence? The reality of what he said, in fact, is quite the opposite to this widely circulated, but dubious, "soundbite"...
Live Mike
In accordance with the Law of the Church, “If it happens that the Roman Pontiff, during the celebration of a Council, departs from this life, [the …More
In accordance with the Law of the Church, “If it happens that the Roman Pontiff, during the celebration of a Council, departs from this life, [the Council] by the law itself is interrupted [suspended] until a new Pontiff resumes it and orders it to be continued.” – “1917 Code of Canon Law”, Can. 229
1: I read somewhere that the usual rule regarding Popes dying in the middle of a Council is that it should be viewed as a sign that God does not wish …More
1: I read somewhere that the usual rule regarding Popes dying in the middle of a Council is that it should be viewed as a sign that God does not wish for the Council to go on. Evidently there is a Law that exists which states that should a Pope die in the middle of a Council, the Council must not proceed any further and it must NOT be re-opened by another Pope.
Presumably THAT is why John XXIII yelled "Stop the Council" prior to his death. He probably was aware of the Law himself. Pity the other Cardinals refused to be obedient to the dying wishes of their Pope. God will pass a greater judgement on such people for taking no notice of John XXIII's final order to them.
2: Actually - with all due respect J XXIII was the first Pope EVER to have disobeyed a valid Papal Magesterial Document. He flouted "Postquam Verus Cardinalis" (of Pope Sixtus V December 3, 1586) which declared dogmatically that there must never be any more than 70 Cardinals in the Sacred College, and that any over that …More
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Santiago Gracia


On November 1st, 1950 the Holy Father Pius XII issued the Apostolic Constitution, Munificentissimus Deus which declared the dogma of the Assumption wherein the most Blessed Virgin Mary ascended into …More
On November 1st, 1950 the Holy Father Pius XII issued the Apostolic Constitution, Munificentissimus Deus which declared the dogma of the Assumption wherein the most Blessed Virgin Mary ascended into the glory of Heaven in body and soul. What remained undeclared, however, was whether the soul of Her body first ascended into Heaven after Her bodily death, or whether she ascended directly into the glory of paradise body and soul without undergoing bodily death. According to the Spanish mystic Venerable María de Jesús de Agreda in her monumental work Mística Ciudad de Dios ("Mystical City of God")...
The Assumption of Our Lady as described in "Mystical City of God" by Ven. María de Agreda

What is significance of Paul VI wearing the Jewish-Freemasonic ephod?

Why did Paul VI wear the ephod and the breastplate of judgment of the Levitical High Priest? The Rev. Joaquin Sáenz y Arriaga in “The New Montinian Church” (pp. 386-390), provides the answers. Paul …More
Why did Paul VI wear the ephod and the breastplate of judgment of the Levitical High Priest? The Rev. Joaquin Sáenz y Arriaga in “The New Montinian Church” (pp. 386-390), provides the answers.
Paul VI wearing the Jewish-Freemasonic ephod and the breastplate of judgment of the Levitical High Priest

Gioele Magaldi, author of "Massoni": Angelo Roncalli was a masonic initiate

Gioele Magaldi, Italian author and historian, contends in Massoni - La Scoperta delle Ur-Lodges that Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII was initiated first in the Rosicrucian leaning Ur-lodge "Ghedullah" (…More
Gioele Magaldi, Italian author and historian, contends in Massoni - La Scoperta delle Ur-Lodges that Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII was initiated first in the Rosicrucian leaning Ur-lodge "Ghedullah" (Istanbul), and later in the lodge "Montesquieu" while papal nuncio in Paris.
Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII: Initiate of the "Ur-Lodges" "Ghedullah" and "Montesquieu"
Jeffrey Ade
Great link, thank you!
Ivan Tomas
What a strange moment, snapshot and expression of Roncalli and Montini hier.
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Santiago Gracia

Vivaldi | Juditha triumphans RV 644

One of Vivaldi's greatest materpieces, exquisitely performed with Italian passion and finesse. Vivaldi | Juditha triumphans RV 644More
One of Vivaldi's greatest materpieces, exquisitely performed with Italian passion and finesse.
Vivaldi | Juditha triumphans RV 644

"John XXIII and Masonry" by Abbé Ricossa

Investigating the links between Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII and Freemasonry mysteriuminiquitatis-2thessalonians2.blogspot.comMore
Investigating the links between Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII and Freemasonry
Where the Swiss guard? 🤔
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
The enemy is within.
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