Santiago Gracia
Santiago Gracia

What John XXIII REALLY said at his deathbed

I asked you for contrary evidence to my claims if I were ever to reconsider the arguments made *in the article*, not on some side issue which may or may not be a-propos. You could not provide any counter-claims, for the simple fact that there aren’t any. I know that for a fact because I am not merely some anonymous “key board warrior” making wholly inappropriate and uncharitable statements about …More
I asked you for contrary evidence to my claims if I were ever to reconsider the arguments made *in the article*, not on some side issue which may or may not be a-propos. You could not provide any counter-claims, for the simple fact that there aren’t any. I know that for a fact because I am not merely some anonymous “key board warrior” making wholly inappropriate and uncharitable statements about being “deluded” and "straining at gnats and swallowing Camels", but I am speaking as someone who has spent long hours digging through the sources as far as possible in order to get to the bottom of things. You make the all-too common mistake of arriving at rash judgments without knowing things properly.

It’s ironic that you should expect me to look carefully through your mini-essay while you have clearly paid no attention whatsoever to my article (if you have even bothered to read it). If you want to properly understand my position, I suggest you actually READ the articles in my blog, of course particularly the one that immediately concerns us here.

It is further ironic that you should describe as “poor John” a man initiated into Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism, who sold the Church to the powers “behind the curtain” for 30 pieces of silver, who cosied up to Soviet Premier Khruschev’s immediate family in a private audience a few months before his death, a man universally praised by socialists, Freemasons, and communists alike after his death. Never have I heard anyone describing as “poor” Judas Iscariot or even the degenerate Renaissance pope, Alexander VI.

I would rather describe as “poor” all the spiritual victims of his gnostic pseudo-Council, and all Catholics unjustly deprived of their rightful spiritual inheritance, given and sold over to ravenous wolves after Pius XII’s pontificate by himself and his successors.
Santiago Gracia

What John XXIII REALLY said at his deathbed

Caroline: Unfortunately, as you will see in the article, there is ZERO factual evidence to support the claim that he "yelled "Stop the Council" prior to his death." all the evidence points to precisely the opposite. A statement does not become true simply because it is *thought* to be so a significant number of people. If anyone can provide *referenced* material to back up the claim that he did …More
Caroline: Unfortunately, as you will see in the article, there is ZERO factual evidence to support the claim that he "yelled "Stop the Council" prior to his death." all the evidence points to precisely the opposite. A statement does not become true simply because it is *thought* to be so a significant number of people. If anyone can provide *referenced* material to back up the claim that he did indeed cry for the council to be stopped, i shall be happy to modify and or retract the article.
Santiago Gracia

Francis: "Everyone Is Welcome In Church"

...and God loves, above all, and particularly from among the rest of humanity, good and devoted socialists and communists...