
Pope Francis: ‘Rigid… this or nothing’ Catholics are ‘heretical’ and ‘not Catholic’

June 9, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The stunning introduction to today’s official Vatican Radio report on Pope Francis’ morning homily reads: “Pope Francis warned on Thursday against an excessive rigidity …More
June 9, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The stunning introduction to today’s official Vatican Radio report on Pope Francis’ morning homily reads: “Pope Francis warned on Thursday against an excessive rigidity, saying those within the Church who tell us ‘it’s this or nothing’ are heretics and not Catholics. His remarks came during the morning Mass on Thursday celebrated at the Santa Marta residence.”
The specific section of the homily referred to in the opening is as follows:
This (is the) healthy realism of the Catholic Church: the Church never teaches us ‘or this or that.’ That is not Catholic. The Church says to us: ‘this and that.’ ‘Strive for perfectionism: reconcile with your brother. Do not insult him. Love him. And if there is a problem, at the very least settle your differences so that war doesn’t break out.’ This (is) the healthy realism of Catholicism. It is not Catholic (to say) ‘or this or nothing:’ This is not Catholic, this is heretical.
Jesus always knows how to accompany us, he …More
The situation in the Catholic Church has become critical. In the opinion of Italy’s leading Catholic historian we are currently in a crisis even ‘worse’ than the Arian crisis!
Whether you agree with this dire prognosis or not, it has become distressingly difficult to comprehend the confusions about the truths of Christ on marriage and the family coming even from the highest levels of the Church. …More
The situation in the Catholic Church has become critical. In the opinion of Italy’s leading Catholic historian we are currently in a crisis even ‘worse’ than the Arian crisis!

Whether you agree with this dire prognosis or not, it has become distressingly difficult to comprehend the confusions about the truths of Christ on marriage and the family coming even from the highest levels of the Church.

Just last week Cardinal Reinhard Marx, one of the pope's closest advisors, publicly issued a disturbing statement saying that the Catholic Church must "apologize" to homosexuals, and that it is the duty of the state to give same-sex couples the same rights and protections as marriage! When I read his statement, I could hardly believe my eyes.

Imagine my shock and sadness when, days later, Pope Francis was asked about Cardinal Marx's statement, and instead of rebuking him, agreed that the Catholic Church must apologize to homosexuals whom it has "offended." In a statement that has been seized upon by LGBT activists the world over, the Holy Father even explicitly spoke against giving "theological" reasons for condemning homosexuality.

Confusion, and more confusion!

As a Catholic, I love the Holy Father, and pray for him every single day. But as the editor of a news website devoted to life and family issues, I am also convinced that it is the duty of all Catholics to proclaim the Church's life-giving teachings on life, marriage and family courageously, prayerfully, charitably, and without compromise!
John-Henry Westen
Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder, LifeSiteNews.com