The Church and the Sisters: What Is Really Happening?

Photo ~ Archbishop J. Peter Sartain of Seattle and Sister Janet Mock, executive director of LCWR

The Church and the Sisters: What Is Really Happening?

The common theme in most media reports about the CDF initiative, as these headlines suggest, is that out-of-touch men in the Vatican are unfairly criticizing the most faithful and hard-working members of the Church—the sisters. So, is this really the case? Hardly.

On page one of the eight-page CDF document, the accomplishments of women religious are cited and praised: “The Holy See acknowledges with gratitude the great contribution of women Religious to the Church in the United States … .”

However, the document goes on to point out that vowed religious are much more than social workers: they are consecrated persons who have a special place in the Church that must be marked by a strong faith and allegiance to Church authority. The LCWR, it continued, has shown a “diminution of the fundamental Christological center and focus of religious consecration which leads, in turn, to a loss of a ‘constant and lively sense of the Church’ among some religious.”

Additionally, the CDF document emphasizes that the initiative is addressed only to the LCWR, a 1,500-member organization to which many leaders of women’s religious orders belong.

The initiative is not directed to the other 54,000 sisters in the United States who do not belong to the LCWR, though press reports have tended to confuse this point and characterize all sisters as members of the LCWR.

Veritas und Liebe
Please good sisters bring back the habits, reunite with the Holy Father, and ditch the pantsuits. 😌
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
The notion that the true mission of the Church is social work become prevalent among liberal Catholics in the ‘60s. Many of the religious and secular priests left the Church and married, thinking of social work as a more virtuous line of work than “dispensing” the Sacraments. Many who remained decided to reshape the Church to fit their new consciousness.

The notion that the true mission of the Church is social work become prevalent among liberal Catholics in the ‘60s. Many of the religious and secular priests left the Church and married, thinking of social work as a more virtuous line of work than “dispensing” the Sacraments. Many who remained decided to reshape the Church to fit their new consciousness.