Veritas und Liebe
Veritas und Liebe

Obama Campaign - Ridin' Dirty

This is sad. I pray for her and all those misguided girls like her. This is not the way to happiness. She's been sold a lie. 🤨
Veritas und Liebe

SSPX: we recognize the authority of the Pope

I pray for a speedy resolution, we have so much to gain together. 👍
Veritas und Liebe

Investigation: New allegations against Catholic Online owner

This makes me sick. Mr. Galloway's derogatory questions against the reporter also makes me angry. But his use of the name Catholic makes me sad. Pay your just bills Mr. Galloway and find a confessional along the way.
Veritas und Liebe

Vatican Rebuke: Are U.S. Nuns Promoting 'Radical Feminist Themes?'

Fordham Feminist person...A "scholar"? give me a break.
But a Great job to Donna Bethell!! Defender of our faith. 😘
Veritas und Liebe

The Prisoner (1955) - Trailer. Trailer of the movie THE PRISONER starring Alec Guinness and Jack …

Great movie, produced when Catholics were rightly portrayed by the media as heroes. What happened?
Veritas und Liebe

The Church and the Sisters: What Is Really Happening?

Please good sisters bring back the habits, reunite with the Holy Father, and ditch the pantsuits. 😌
Veritas und Liebe

‘Angry Queers’

These "queers" are known more correctly as criminals and should be treated as such. They are not above the law and should not be given a platform or audience for their rants. Time for propriety and rule of law. 😡
Veritas und Liebe

‘Secrets’ back in SF Archdiocesan high schools

I thought that as Children of God we should strive to raise up our earthly children in Catholic standards of education and entertainment. Most parents who send their children to Catholic schools do so in order to fulfill this. I don't see much difference in this and a corrupt Public school's standards.
Veritas und Liebe

Life after lesbianism

Way to go sister. Don't let those sad people try to discourage you with their guilt. God has placed this before you and always remember you are a daughter of God. Thank you for your comments and example. You must have found a real man, congratulations! I wish you two peace.