‘Angry Queers’

‘Angry Queers’: Christians are ‘scum,’ deserve ‘hammers through their windows’ PORTLAND, OREGON, April 27, 2012, (LifeSiteNews.com) – The group that allegedly smashed up a Portland church hopes its …More
‘Angry Queers’: Christians are ‘scum,’ deserve ‘hammers through their windows’
PORTLAND, OREGON, April 27, 2012, (LifeSiteNews.com) – The group that allegedly smashed up a Portland church hopes its “small act of vengeance will strike fear into the hearts of” Christian leaders who teach traditional sexual morality, according to an e-mail message the group released to the public.
A group calling itself “Angry Queers” has claimed responsibility for throwing baseball-sized rocks through nine church windows in Portland’s Mars Hill Church, including two 100-year-old stained glass panes.
Two versions of the e-mail have been sent to the media, one longer and slightly more incendiary than the other, but both apparently originating from the same group.
In the longer version, the LGBT activists state they destroyed church property in the names of several local transgender people who have died, and “all other trans women” whose deaths they blame on “this cissexist, femmephobic, racist, and More
I suggest putting shatter proof plexiglass in front of all the church windows. Problem solved. Besides, just because someone sends an email does not mean it's true. Wars have been started based on misinformation, so be careful.
Veritas und Liebe
These "queers" are known more correctly as criminals and should be treated as such. They are not above the law and should not be given a platform or audience for their rants. Time for propriety and rule of law. 😡
Those who are without sin let them cast the first stone! These angy Homo's shouldn't have any right to be throwing any rocks! Their full of sin! 😡
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Comments from FR:
I hate the way the GLBTQ community keep pushing for more.
At first they wanted Tolerance in the vein of “Not beating up people who are queer on the streets for how they behave in their private lives” Which is fine,
Tolerance is fine and dandy just don’t “piss in my cornflakes” and I won’t piss in yours, whatever.
But now like little children with mommy and daddy issues they want …More
Comments from FR:

I hate the way the GLBTQ community keep pushing for more.
At first they wanted Tolerance in the vein of “Not beating up people who are queer on the streets for how they behave in their private lives” Which is fine,

Tolerance is fine and dandy just don’t “piss in my cornflakes” and I won’t piss in yours, whatever.

But now like little children with mommy and daddy issues they want out and out “Acceptance” to the point that the LARGE CLUMSY HAND of the GOVERNMENT is involved in FORCING it upon those who mildly dislike their lifestyle choices.

You cannot legislate Acceptance, it is a social meme and thus cannot be legislated or forced on an unwilling majority public. When it is legislated there is always a backlash by those being forced, those short sighted morons over at the GLBTQ side don’t see they are doing more long term damage to their “cause” because of this simple fact.

They have forgotten the difference between Tolerance and Acceptance and they crossed that line a LONG time ago. Acceptance is another form of Entitlement in the way the far left uses it.

They are like the small child who keeps screaming LOVE ME, LOVE ME, LOVE ME!!!!, in a shrill and off putting scream, which makes it impossible for anyone to ACTUALLY LOVE them because they are so damned annoying.

Also the fact that the organizations that were formed in order to stop the deadly beatings of homosexuals have more or less achieved their goal YEARS AGO, but the people in those organizations never declared victory and disbanded/scaled back, they became a self supporting meme that keeps searching for more and more things to justify themselves. Ironically this has the effect of sometimes ignoring the modern day beatings of Homosexuals who are not “on the same page” or worse yet using the modern day beatings as justification for pushing Acceptance instead of Tolerance.

The civil rights movement also suffers from this as well.
They are not entitled to the usage of a PRIVATE CHURCH if they want to use it to get gay-married. They should simply find a church that does support such a thing and stop the whining like a small spoiled child.

Angry Queers? Is that a new app for my smart phone?

So it's OK to support rampant homosexuality but not OK to support rampant heterosexuality?

Angry Queers is a criminal organization intent on bullying people into their way of thinking.

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