
4.december - sviatok Kráľovnej Pomoci

Panna Mária ako Kráľovná pomoci sa v Dechticiach zjavila prvýkrát dňa 4. decembra 1994, a želala si, aby na tento deň bol ustanovený jej sviatok. Ako sa zjavenia Kráľovnej Pomoci začali? Martin …Viac
Panna Mária ako Kráľovná pomoci sa v Dechticiach zjavila prvýkrát dňa 4. decembra 1994, a želala si, aby na tento deň bol ustanovený jej sviatok.
Ako sa zjavenia Kráľovnej Pomoci začali?
Martin rozpráva:

„Bola nedeľa 4.decembra 1994. Ja, Adriana, Michaela a Simona sme išli z rannej sv. omše domov. Cestou sme sa rozprávali a dohadovali sa, kedy a ako pôjdeme na púť na Dobrú Vodu. Ako sme sa rozchádzali zistili sme, že ani jednému z nás sa nechce ísť, pretože bolo chladno a mrazivo. Zrazu Michaela s preľaknutím vykríkla: ,Pozrite na slnko!´ Vtom sme videli slnko, ktoré sa krúti, mení farby a vzápätí sa približuje a vzďaľuje. Keď tento úkaz skončil, videli sme seba a okolie ponorené do tmavých farieb. Preľakli sme sa a pochopili to ako znamenie, že napriek chladnému počasiu máme sa ísť modliť. Simonu mama nepustila, pretože bola práve po chorobe.
Keď sme kráčali po ceste ku krížu, modlili sme sa svätý ruženec. Vtom sme videli znova slnečný úkaz. Pri kríži sa konali modlitby k poklone a …
V USA sa rozmáha satanizmus.
Petícia proti satanistickému "vianočnému" stromu TU:
petícia TU:…/no-to-satanic-c…
From: John Horvat <>
Date: po 3. 12. 2018 o 3:00
Subject: Satanic "Christmas Tree" display in California
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Satan is at it again, trying to ruin Christmas by introducing public devil-worship amidst …Viac
V USA sa rozmáha satanizmus.
Petícia proti satanistickému "vianočnému" stromu TU:
petícia TU:…/no-to-satanic-c…

From: John Horvat <>
Date: po 3. 12. 2018 o 3:00
Subject: Satanic "Christmas Tree" display in California

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Satan is at it again, trying to ruin Christmas by introducing public devil-worship amidst Nativity displays.

For a second year in a row, Satanists have put up a Satanic "Christmas Tree" at San Jose, California, in the a family oriented display called "Christmas in the Park."

The tree features demonic goats, inverted crosses and pentagrams, as well as other Satanic imagery.…/no-to-satanic-c…

In a statement over the Satanists' putting up a Satanic display in the "family-friendly" event, Executive Director for "Christmas in the Park" has said:

"[A]ny organization can apply to decorate a tree. There are no restrictions beyond a vague prohibition on the use of 'offensive language.'

"'There are tons of different religions out there, and some religions offend other religions and some groups that are not religious offend other religions,' Minsky continued. 'We saw what they decorated,...We felt that was their freedom of speech right, and there wasn't anything that we were going to do.'"
(Mercury News, emphasis added)…/no-to-satanic-c…

Satan is always the enemy of innocence, the family, and of Christ's coming to earth.

And allowing a display that honors the devil and that mocks the birth of Christ is insulting to God and to and the millions of families that are celebrating Christmas!

We must act. Please take the time to…/no-to-satanic-c…, urging "Christmas in the Park" to remove all offensive Satanic displays from its event.

Thank you!

I remain,


John Horvat
Vice-President, Tradition, Family and Property (TFP)