3214,2 Tsd.
Der Bischof von Freiburg, Schweiz, in Aktion... Ice Bucket Challenge: Kein Problem, wenn man nicht versteht, was der Gute sagt.Mehr
Der Bischof von Freiburg, Schweiz, in Aktion...
Ice Bucket Challenge: Kein Problem, wenn man nicht versteht, was der Gute sagt.
Ice Bucket Challenge: ALS Foundation Admits Less Than 27% Of Donations Fund Research & Cures
Read more: naturalsociety.com/ice-bucket-chal…
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Ice Bucket Challenge: ALS Foundation Admits Less Than 27% Of Donations Fund Research & Cures

Read more: naturalsociety.com/ice-bucket-chal…
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De seguir con estas cosas mundanas, no será un balde de agua fría lo que reciban, sino algo muuuuuuuuchoooooooo más caliente.
Por favor, a orar y evangelizar, que el mundo tiene necesidad de Dios, no de modas pasajeras y banales.
Ben Martin
No one is opposed to science---I am opposed to things unethical and immoral---using innocent human lives to benefit the living—is sinful and wrong. This is contrary to God‘s plan and laws. Adult stem cell are proven to be more effective and beneficial than embryonic---you do not take a human life or make benefit from the death of the innocent to find a cure.
Once you go down that slippery slope to …Mehr
No one is opposed to science---I am opposed to things unethical and immoral---using innocent human lives to benefit the living—is sinful and wrong. This is contrary to God‘s plan and laws. Adult stem cell are proven to be more effective and beneficial than embryonic---you do not take a human life or make benefit from the death of the innocent to find a cure.

Once you go down that slippery slope to use innocent live—you will open the doors for Satan to encourage death for the benefit of the living on a large scale. It is unethical!! St. Thomas was a very ethical man and would never give a dime to an organization preforming any such evil or take a dime from any state or company that does. Sainthood starts with you—if you do not stand up and walk up stream against the river of sin and the modern world –then you are floating down it and Satan is helping you justify it in your conscience: that it is all ok and that you are special and different and those rules apply to others, in a different time, but not to you!!

It is an old lie—don’t fall for it!!!
Dr. Reiss: thanks for your thoughtful comments. Technology does create very difficult ethical and moral issues for us to consider. Your comment reminded me of the words of Christ when pushed: 'Give to Caesar what is Caesar's...and to God what is God's'.
Ben: I don't agree with the hard line stance you are taking on this issue, but I do appreciate your efforts to raise awareness that work in this …Mehr
Dr. Reiss: thanks for your thoughtful comments. Technology does create very difficult ethical and moral issues for us to consider. Your comment reminded me of the words of Christ when pushed: 'Give to Caesar what is Caesar's...and to God what is God's'.

Ben: I don't agree with the hard line stance you are taking on this issue, but I do appreciate your efforts to raise awareness that work in this area must be pursued carefully. I agree that you have valid ethical and moral concerns. I'm more optimistic; however, that there's a way to avoid these pitfalls and achieve real good long-term. As for St. Thomas Moore: you picked a great saint. But, I'm not so sure that he would have totally turned his back on this well intentioned science. He drew the line on evil, but was well regarded in his time as one that made decisions in real time...and did not fear the progress of science.

I pray that discussions such as these will help guide actions and progress in a way that is pleasing to our Maker.
Glopalombardo: It is a confusing issue because there is a lot of disinformation about stem cells. This line of research is an avenue that holds promise of cures for many terrible ailments. Curing ailments is a very Christian thing to do. Christ performed miracle after miracle of cures when he walked the earth demonstrating that he preferred that people not suffer from maladies. There are many sources …Mehr
Glopalombardo: It is a confusing issue because there is a lot of disinformation about stem cells. This line of research is an avenue that holds promise of cures for many terrible ailments. Curing ailments is a very Christian thing to do. Christ performed miracle after miracle of cures when he walked the earth demonstrating that he preferred that people not suffer from maladies. There are many sources of stem cells that have no potential to provide an incentive to abort fetuses. This promising technology has much more potential to save lives than it does to destroy lives. Let's pray that we have strength and wisdom to maximize its potential.
🥴 🙏
Estoy confundida, pense que apoyando esto, es como apoyar que sigan haciendo investigaciones con embriones humanos, si es asi; como catolicos que defendemos la vida en totalidad nosotros no apoyamos causas de estas. Es asi o estoy equivocada.
Questo vescovo sembra voler dire che lui e la sua diocesi sono una barzelletta.
Maurizio Muscas
Vergogna! Que pena! Shame on you!
(((†))) Radio Vobiscum
Laudetur Iesus Christus ! Semper laudetur !
A mani giunte ! Preghiamo l’Immacolata.
(((†))) - Radio Vobiscum - [GERMANIA]
Una voce cattolica nella tua vita
radiovobiscum (at) gmx.de
« Tradidi quod et accepi »

Laudetur Iesus Christus ! Semper laudetur !


A mani giunte ! Preghiamo l’Immacolata.

(((†))) - Radio Vobiscum - [GERMANIA]

Una voce cattolica nella tua vita


radiovobiscum (at) gmx.de

« Tradidi quod et accepi »


Ben Martin
You cant contribute to evil --you have choices. Fund those causes or organization that do not help evil.
Be like the example of St. Thomas Moore and Martyrs and stand up against the growing evils of the state and be example for people to follow. Living comfortably from the wages of sin and evil is not the answer, but to stand up against evil is. At some point the good will have to do so--otherwise …Mehr
You cant contribute to evil --you have choices. Fund those causes or organization that do not help evil.

Be like the example of St. Thomas Moore and Martyrs and stand up against the growing evils of the state and be example for people to follow. Living comfortably from the wages of sin and evil is not the answer, but to stand up against evil is. At some point the good will have to do so--otherwise evil will continue to grow and cloak the good with a warped conscience.

St Thomas--had much more on the line than a paycheck--he had no other choices. We have choices, do not be involved with evil cause no matter how big or small---for the devil grows from the good justifying their situations and giving bad example.
Technological advances force us to carefully think through the ethical and moral issues regarding proper use of the new technology. As an example, fire has benefited humanity in more ways than we can count -- but it can be misused to destroy property and lives. As another example, the ability to fly has given us the ability to work together on projects and keep families together -- yet 9/11 showed …Mehr
Technological advances force us to carefully think through the ethical and moral issues regarding proper use of the new technology. As an example, fire has benefited humanity in more ways than we can count -- but it can be misused to destroy property and lives. As another example, the ability to fly has given us the ability to work together on projects and keep families together -- yet 9/11 showed that this technology could also be misused as guided missiles that destroy innocent lives. Similarly, stem cell research holds great promise to eliminate much human suffering -- but there are some sources of stem cells that have the potential to aggravate the tragedy of abortion.

Let's pray that researchers recognize the difference and support the highest ethical and moral standards regarding the use of, and harvesting of, stem cells. As Christians, I pray that we provide leadership that guides and develops our moral and ethical thinking on this issue -- and not throw out/disregard promising technology because of our concerns with its misuse.
This is so sad!
Ben Martin
Dr Stuart Reiss,
So that make it mortally ok ==that the organization can kills babies and as long as you stipulate the funds donated not be invested in this study or any stem-cell project--then it is ok?. For it is morally acceptable to give money to the organization in general? That is not moral--where is the ethics and theology behind your way of thinking?!
It is like supplying the Nazi's ammunition …Mehr
Dr Stuart Reiss,
So that make it mortally ok ==that the organization can kills babies and as long as you stipulate the funds donated not be invested in this study or any stem-cell project--then it is ok?. For it is morally acceptable to give money to the organization in general? That is not moral--where is the ethics and theology behind your way of thinking?!

It is like supplying the Nazi's ammunition, with the stipulate that they only it used for target practice (which may result that they become a better shot to kill people)---that make it ok--for it is only target practice?
Ja, Ben Martins links beachten!!
hier wird, wohl blauäugig, um Spenden für die Forschung von ALS geworben.
Diese Forschung bedeutet jedoch embryonale Stammzellforschung; hierfür werden Menschen, menschliche Embryos gezüchtet werden, um sie zum Forschen wieder zu vernichten....
Ben Martin
ALS donors warned that ice-bucket craze conflicts with Catholic Church's stance on stem-cell research -
See more at: www.northjersey.com/news/als-donors-warn…Mehr
ALS donors warned that ice-bucket craze conflicts with Catholic Church's stance on stem-cell research -

See more at: www.northjersey.com/news/als-donors-warn…
Coelestin V
Es wir jeder Quatsch mitgemacht um der Welt zu gefallen. Peinliche Anbiederung. Durchaus moeglich, dass auch Papst Franz I. mitmacht.
Meinen Sie einen bescheuerten Schwachsinn? Das ist irgendwie ein Pleonasmus.
Ja, weil der Klerus die Berufsidentität verloren hat, können sie alles machen was in der Welt angesagt ist. Es fehlt der übernatürliche Respekt vor dem Amt, und so sind Tür und Tor offen für die Einfälle des Teufels.
Man schaue nur die Liturgieskandale an, und regelmässig sind Herren mit Pallium darin verwickelt …Mehr
Meinen Sie einen bescheuerten Schwachsinn? Das ist irgendwie ein Pleonasmus.

Ja, weil der Klerus die Berufsidentität verloren hat, können sie alles machen was in der Welt angesagt ist. Es fehlt der übernatürliche Respekt vor dem Amt, und so sind Tür und Tor offen für die Einfälle des Teufels.

Man schaue nur die Liturgieskandale an, und regelmässig sind Herren mit Pallium darin verwickelt. Deshalb ist für mich "ERzbischof" ein völlig wertloser Titel geworden. GTV hat schon zur Genüge darüber reportiert. Da nützt es auch nicht mehr, wenn Prälat Gänswein die Tunicella benutzt, reine Nostalgie.
Nein, das war DANIEL Radcliff.