
Archbishop "Delighted" About Biggest Mosque in France

Reims Archbishop Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, France, expressed his delight about the Grand Mosque of Reims, the largest mosque in France, during its inauguration on March 14.

The archbishop gave a speech at the event. He recalled that his predecessor has supported the project right from the start.

De Moulins-Beaufort said literally, “Together with me, the Catholics of Reims are delighted that you can glorify God the creator and the merciful in this place.”

Archbishop destroys the faith of his people....hell next.Truth is truth so many wimps
Trojan within the gates.
The Joke is in us the remnant church. God and his justice will always remain. The Remnant church will prevail in the end and we will look back and feel no shame for those that ended up in Hell!!!
In Reims, two heresies met there that day: modernism represented by Archbishop Eric and arianism widespread in the form known as Islam. Both grew out of a real Catholic religion. It happened in the city of the baptism of France (A.D. 496), although King Clovis could have adopted arianism, which dominated in those parts of Europe then. The great mosque was opened on the March 14th, on the eve of …More
In Reims, two heresies met there that day: modernism represented by Archbishop Eric and arianism widespread in the form known as Islam. Both grew out of a real Catholic religion. It happened in the city of the baptism of France (A.D. 496), although King Clovis could have adopted arianism, which dominated in those parts of Europe then. The great mosque was opened on the March 14th, on the eve of Saint Zachary, the pope who appointed (A.D.744) Saint Abel as Archbishop of Reims. As a result of the resistance of the Gallic hierarchy, Abel did not take his see. The name Abel means "breath", Zachary means "God (Yahweh) remembers." What does God remember in Reims? That Abel would embrace his see: when the Paraclete comes, it breathes with such force that it will wipe out all heresies from people's heads. The Archbishop Eric de Moulins-Beaufort also does not stand on his feet at winds 12' Beaufort. Whoever survives this storm, will enter the Kingdom of God, here on earth.
Apostate. Traitor. You stupid evil liar. Muhammadans do not glorify God nor are merciful! They glorify satan and rape and kill you if you don't do the same!
Nothing to celebrate here...