Die Journalistin und Kommentatorin Candace Owens verlor ihren Job beim Daily Wire-Portal, weil sie nicht vor dem Altar des Zionismus kniete.
Gustav M Metkowski teilt das
Journalist and commentator Candace Owens lost her job at the Daily Wire portal for not kneeling at the altar of Zionism.
Alex A
I hear lots of allegation but little if anything, by way of fact. So unlike the Candice I have admired for a number of years. She does sound very hurt by the dismissal and maybe she has good reason to feel so, however, unless she can substantiate her accusations then we are left with just feeling sorry for her.
Das I-Tüpfelchen ihres Rauswurfs war ihre Aussage, 'Christ is king', was als besonders ani-semitisch betrachtet wurde.
rafaportal teilt das
Journalist and commentator Candace Owens lost her job at the Daily Wire portal for not kneeling at the altar of Zionism.
Example prayers on good Friday for conversion of the Jews JPII didn't like that or BXVI
Denis Efimov
From the Missal
@john333 - Yes because in the post VII church all religions are equal because in their mind they all "lead" to God. Which of course is nonsense. Candace would not adapt her views to those of Zionism and therefore Shapiro and friends kicked her out of the Daily Wire.
Wow, this is one very articulate and courageous lady! Absolutely, no one steps out of line in the story of their victimhood, and right to annihilate anyone they choose, children, women, aid workers, civilians..
Steve Samuel Thomas
The world needs to realize that Israel and the United States today are controlled by Freemason Atheists masquerading as Jews