
Faulty Footnotes: aberration or trend Catholics investigate

From Blog Harvesting the Fruits of Vatican II blog In the course of my reading and research, I have detected what I sincerely hope are unrelated instances wherein the footnotes offered in support of …More
From Blog Harvesting the Fruits of Vatican II blog In the course of my reading and research, I have detected what I sincerely hope are unrelated instances wherein the footnotes offered in support of certain novelties put forth in magisterial documents point to references that simply fail to provide any support whatsoever. For example,in Nostra Aetate of Vatican II, a document that claims to “examine more closely the Church’s relationship to non-Christian religions in our time,” the Council Fathers state, “Indeed, the Church believes that by His cross Christ, Our Peace, reconciled Jews and Gentiles, making both one in Himself.” (NA 4) The footnote to this sentence refers back to Ephesians 2:14-16, a passage wherein St. Paul is addressing the unity that we enjoy in Christ with those who have accepted Him. He most certainly is not saying that Catholics are somehow made one in the Cross of Christ with those Jews in our time who reject Him. (I wrote in some detail about this here.) Today, I …More
Related news event from the blog The Eye Witness: A VATICAN II SUCCESS STORY
I have no idea how the New Evangelism crowd plans to deal with this but I know perfectly well how the Old Evangelism crowd would. It is perfectly clear that the Faith is not being passed on to future generations and if this situation does not change in the very near future there will be no Catholics left. The "New Catechism …More
Related news event from the blog The Eye Witness: A VATICAN II SUCCESS STORY

I have no idea how the New Evangelism crowd plans to deal with this but I know perfectly well how the Old Evangelism crowd would. It is perfectly clear that the Faith is not being passed on to future generations and if this situation does not change in the very near future there will be no Catholics left. The "New Catechism" is very much to be blamed for a great deal of this problem and we would advise any parents of young children trying to teach them the seriousness and the certitudes of Catholicism to avoid it.
rest here theeye-witness.blogspot.com/…/a-vatican-ii-su…