Benedict XVI: Super genius or theological fool?

The top, leading Benepapists are in the midst of an internecine war. The arguments of Ann Barnhardt/Mark Docherty/Dr. Edmund Mazza against Andrea Cionci/Br. Bugnolo/Estefania Acosta and vice versa, in …More
The top, leading Benepapists are in the midst of an internecine war.
The arguments of Ann Barnhardt/Mark Docherty/Dr. Edmund Mazza against Andrea Cionci/Br. Bugnolo/Estefania Acosta and vice versa, in themselves, provide an argumentum ad absurdum against Benepapism in general.
Grab some popcorn, and enjoy the reductio ad absurdum.

Benedict XVI: strategic genius or theological fool?
"Notice all those comments were directed to one person alone: UV." That's usually called harassment Ave Crux. Love your double standards. When Matty's rude to you, it's Mattys' fault, When you're rude to me, it's my fault. Typical cross-eyed SSPX hypocrisy.
Matty's rudeness is "his true character in full display". Your rudeness is "somebody had to say it out loud". You're as bad as Michael …More
"Notice all those comments were directed to one person alone: UV." That's usually called harassment Ave Crux. Love your double standards. When Matty's rude to you, it's Mattys' fault, When you're rude to me, it's my fault. Typical cross-eyed SSPX hypocrisy.

Matty's rudeness is "his true character in full display". Your rudeness is "somebody had to say it out loud". You're as bad as Michael Newman and littler wonder you go to the same kind of "chapels."
You don't speak for "what the general readership at GTV thinks" at all. You invent that the way you did the praise for Fr. Murray's thesis.
"Many people who have contacted me by Chat say the same things about UV."
Ave Crux's Imaginary Friends Assemble! Nameless, faceless, unverifiable people who are always relevant to the discussion and always agree with you.
I've lost count of your fabricated …More
You don't speak for "what the general readership at GTV thinks" at all. You invent that the way you did the praise for Fr. Murray's thesis.

"Many people who have contacted me by Chat say the same things about UV."

Ave Crux's Imaginary Friends Assemble! Nameless, faceless, unverifiable people who are always relevant to the discussion and always agree with you.

I've lost count of your fabricated fantasy friends. All the "experts" and "supporters" you refer to , no matter what the subject, no matter how obscure.

It wasn't until that famous thesis of Fr. Murray did I realize just how extensively you flat-out lie. Reams of quotes nobody ever wrote... all made up by you. This is more of the same as always.

"so I went to Confession and BLOCKED UV so I wouldn't be tempted to commit the same sins again."

So you reply to my comments without addressing me directly. Ave Crux, the SSPX hypocrite at her sinless best.
Ave Crux
Notice all those comments were directed to one person alone: UV. They were well-deserved observations, accurate and pretty much sum up what the general readership at GTV thinks of UV. And that's not my fault either.
Someone had to say it out loud. Many people who have contacted me by Chat say the same things about UV.
However, I repented of saying such things even to someone like UV!'s …More
Notice all those comments were directed to one person alone: UV. They were well-deserved observations, accurate and pretty much sum up what the general readership at GTV thinks of UV. And that's not my fault either.

Someone had to say it out loud. Many people who have contacted me by Chat say the same things about UV.

However, I repented of saying such things even to someone like UV!'s unbefitting GTV, so I went to Confession and BLOCKED UV so I wouldn't be tempted to commit the same sins again.

Perhaps UV and MM can take a turn and do the same....?
Ave Crux
I'm so glad that MM is showing what a fine Catholic gentleman he is -- quite worthy of everyone's rapt attention.
Since MM has descended to ever greater depths of incivility, I will now leave the discussion where it is, with his true character in full display.
And I expect he will besmirch his reputation even further once I depart.More
I'm so glad that MM is showing what a fine Catholic gentleman he is -- quite worthy of everyone's rapt attention.

Since MM has descended to ever greater depths of incivility, I will now leave the discussion where it is, with his true character in full display.

And I expect he will besmirch his reputation even further once I depart.
Since this media portal is text-based, I suggest a text-based presentation of your SSPX content @On the Contrary "YouTube" doesn't lend itself to "reason", only presenting propaganda masquerading as a documentary.
"And that brings me to my main point: no one here is competent to make a formal judgment. And if we are incompetent in this matter, we are likewise incompetent to accuse other posters …More
Since this media portal is text-based, I suggest a text-based presentation of your SSPX content @On the Contrary "YouTube" doesn't lend itself to "reason", only presenting propaganda masquerading as a documentary.

"And that brings me to my main point: no one here is competent to make a formal judgment. And if we are incompetent in this matter, we are likewise incompetent to accuse other posters of schism"

Fallacy of Composition on your part including a false premise. First, there isn't a need for a "formal judgement" on Benedict's resignation simply because a small group of deliberately misleading agenda-pushers refuse to accept that resignation. They won't accept a "formal judgement" from The Church that Benedict resigned any more than they've ever accepted The Church acknowledging Benedict's resignation or accepted Benedict's repeated insistance that he resigned.

As one notorious character has repeatedly stated, "it doesn't matter what Benedict thinks" and "It doesn't matter what Benedict says." For them it does not. What matters is what THEY think, what THEY say, what their echo-box of sympathetic bloggers think and say. You see... The Catholic Church and Benedict's opinions on his resignation are irrelevant. The opinions of Ann Barnhardt and Dr. Mazza are not. :D
Second, schism is an entirely different matter. Those who refuse to submit to the authority of the Supreme Pontiff are guilty of it. Unlike an accusation of "heresy", schism does not contain a prerequisite formal ruling by The Church. A Catholic can accuse another Catholic of schism, validly, simply by showing they fail to submit to the Supreme Pontiff.
Likewise, when the Supreme Pontiff himself,…More
Second, schism is an entirely different matter. Those who refuse to submit to the authority of the Supreme Pontiff are guilty of it. Unlike an accusation of "heresy", schism does not contain a prerequisite formal ruling by The Church. A Catholic can accuse another Catholic of schism, validly, simply by showing they fail to submit to the Supreme Pontiff.

Likewise, when the Supreme Pontiff himself, speaking as head of The Church, defines a movement as 'schism' that's what it is. Those who "formally adhere" to a schism are, therefore, "schismatics".

In the case of the SSPX those examples aren't in any way hypothetical and already occurred in Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Letter "Ecclesia Dei."

In sum, yes we may indeed accuse other users of schism when their own words and actions brand them as such, or when they display formal adherence to a movement The Supreme Pontiff has already defined as a schism.
Ave Crux
I would like to thank @On the Contrary for doing once again what was far beyond my competence by explaining in clear, canonical terms what I have struggled to express with far less expertise.
Furthermore, @On the Contrary's response is precisely why I have continued to maintain all along the importance of Catholics discussing these matters here, among ourselves, in the face of absolutely …More
I would like to thank @On the Contrary for doing once again what was far beyond my competence by explaining in clear, canonical terms what I have struggled to express with far less expertise.

Furthermore, @On the Contrary's response is precisely why I have continued to maintain all along the importance of Catholics discussing these matters here, among ourselves, in the face of absolutely unprecedented confusion in the Church during the current Papacy.

It is necessary that we do so, in the hope that by continuing to discuss, clarify, and sort through the confusion -- and with the help of more skilled individuals like OTC -- concerned Catholics will be able to continue to properly form, inform and educate their consciences as to what a good Catholic is to do when faced with the apparent "auto-demolition of the Catholic Church" (Pope Paul VI) under the very watch of those who are charged with preserving and protecting Holy Mother Church, and the souls within Her care...!

I hope and pray the good Catholics on this website will take advantage of the clarifications offered here.
Ave Crux
MM -- I have never once defended the "right" of Catholics to actively make formal, definitive declarations, as fact -- i.e. "preaching" -- that "Pope Francis is not Pope" -- before the Church Herself makes such an inquiry.
If that's your objection then you are arguing with the wrong person.
I have said repeatedly that we must wait for the Church to make that inquiry and formal declaration.
I have …More
MM -- I have never once defended the "right" of Catholics to actively make formal, definitive declarations, as fact -- i.e. "preaching" -- that "Pope Francis is not Pope" -- before the Church Herself makes such an inquiry.

If that's your objection then you are arguing with the wrong person.

I have said repeatedly that we must wait for the Church to make that inquiry and formal declaration.

I have only ever said that we can discuss the facts which have come to light concerning the election; the moral and doctrinal confusion caused by this Papacy and even what that might mean concerning the validity of the current Papacy, and that it's not a schismatic act to do so, or even privately to consider what could very well be the case.

Indeed, it's something on the mind of a lot of Catholics, and we're not just going to turn off our brains, refuse to discuss the implications of an Apostolic Constitution, or the propensity this Pope has for saying, doing things that appear to call into question even the Ten Commandments....!

But we do not arrogate to ourselves the authority to "preach" to the general public as fact that Pope Francis is not Pope -- and I have said that time and again on this website whenever the topic has come recently as just the last few days.

So you appear to be arguing with a position that's absolutely not mine, and it's clear from my comments in context of my unbroken position.

And it says a lot about you that you have to resort to abusive speech. Congratulations on being quite the Catholic gentleman: "you gaslighting loon" "you idiot"
2 more comments from Ave Crux
Ave Crux
MM, you still haven't cited a single Canon Law that says thinking someone is not Pope because he appears to contradict doctrine and because we are now aware of circumstances that could have made the election invalid is schism....!
These people haven't performed any acts of disobedience and they still accept the doctrine of Papal Authority.
Nor has the Church done a juridical inquiry into the …More
MM, you still haven't cited a single Canon Law that says thinking someone is not Pope because he appears to contradict doctrine and because we are now aware of circumstances that could have made the election invalid is schism....!

These people haven't performed any acts of disobedience and they still accept the doctrine of Papal Authority.

Nor has the Church done a juridical inquiry into the election, or into the moral confusion that Pope Francis seems to spread everywhere in order to render a declarative judgment in these new developments and facts which have come to light.

I am certain God will have the Church make all of this clear at some point.
Ave Crux
No, there was a Papal election for which questionable circumstances have since come to light that could render it invalid. This Pope has also caused widespread doctrinal and moral confusion since the election took place.
Both things have now caused Catholics -- after the election took place -- to wonder if either of those circumstances could mean Pope Francis has since lost the office or never …More
No, there was a Papal election for which questionable circumstances have since come to light that could render it invalid. This Pope has also caused widespread doctrinal and moral confusion since the election took place.

Both things have now caused Catholics -- after the election took place -- to wonder if either of those circumstances could mean Pope Francis has since lost the office or never obtained it.

So...IF AT SOME POINT IN THE FUTURE THE CHURCH HOLDS A JURIDICAL INQUIRY on all that has transpired since the election, and makes a final, formal Declaration and finding in this matter, THEN we will be bound to accept the Church's judgment on what has transpired and it's effect.

Catholics are concerned about what has happened since the Election. This is new "matter" and new developments.

If a Pope loses his Office through formal heresy, that happens after his election. One cannot say that such developments don't give rise to new circumstances requiring a Church's juridical inquiry and declaration.

It's not schism to recognize the reality of what's unfolding since the Papal election.
@Ave Crux needs to revisit Canon Law 751 instead of fabricating it the way she did all that "praise" for Fr. Murray's retracted thesis.
Canon Law 751 defines schism only as this: "schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him."
Compare that to Ave Crux's Loads O' Bold invention: "Schism is formal crime involving very …More
@Ave Crux needs to revisit Canon Law 751 instead of fabricating it the way she did all that "praise" for Fr. Murray's retracted thesis.

Canon Law 751 defines schism only as this: "schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him."

Compare that to Ave Crux's Loads O' Bold invention: "Schism is formal crime involving very precisely determined formal acts, not "thought crimes" that you insist are formal schism."

Did Canon Law list schism as "a formal crime" (as opposed to an informal one)? No.

Did Canon Law mention "precisely determined formal acts"? No.

Did Canon Law differentiate between "formal acts" or "informal acts"? No.

Did Canon Law even define a "formal act" related to schism? No.

Did Canon Law make a distinction between act and thought when defining schism? No.
So where did these many, many qualifications all come from, then? Not Canon Law. They came from Ave Crux, who made every one of them up as she went along, and this wasn't the first time AC's been caught doing this, either.
Ave Crux
MM -- Again -- can you please show where these people have refused an obedience to a lawful command of this Pope?
Or, can you please show where they renounced the doctrine of Papal Authority in principle?More
MM -- Again -- can you please show where these people have refused an obedience to a lawful command of this Pope?

Or, can you please show where they renounced the doctrine of Papal Authority in principle?
Ave Crux
So how exactly have these people committed the crime of schism and refused submission to the Supreme Pontiff ....?
Did Pope Francis give a binding command that they were supposed to obey and did not? Have they renounced the doctrine of Papal Authority?
I made the point that they continue to accept the doctrine of Papal Authority, and have not committed any acts of disobedience to this Pope.
And …More
So how exactly have these people committed the crime of schism and refused submission to the Supreme Pontiff ....?

Did Pope Francis give a binding command that they were supposed to obey and did not? Have they renounced the doctrine of Papal Authority?

I made the point that they continue to accept the doctrine of Papal Authority, and have not committed any acts of disobedience to this Pope.

And I am certainly not going to defend anyone who says angry, disrespectful things, and I am not defending "Jimmy". It may even be a grave sin to say such things.

But none of that is schism.

That's all I am saying.
2 more comments from Ave Crux
Ave Crux
MM - Please cite the Canon Law that says someone who thinks the Pope was not validly elected or may have lost his office through public heresy is to have committed the crime of schism.
These individuals
1) do not reject the doctrine of Papal Authority - and
2) they haven't even posited any acts of disobedience to this Pope.....
Schism is formal crime involving very precisely determined formal …
MM - Please cite the Canon Law that says someone who thinks the Pope was not validly elected or may have lost his office through public heresy is to have committed the crime of schism.

These individuals

1) do not reject the doctrine of Papal Authority - and

2) they haven't even posited any acts of disobedience to this Pope.....

Schism is formal crime involving very precisely determined formal acts, not "thought crimes" that you insist are formal schism.

So where's the schism?

According to this standard, it's alright for Pope Francis to spout heterodox statement that we're not permitted to call heresy; but you can call Catholics schismatics just because they think Pope Francis is not the Pope, while these same Catholics still believe the doctrine of Papal Authority, and are not even being disobedient in any way.

It's clear you want everyone to completely ignore the valid reasons people have for wondering what has gone wrong with the Papacy.

So a Pope who leads countless souls into moral confusion and affirmation of their moral crimes by his public words and deeds doesn't raise the possible consideration that he is not actually Pope because the Election may have been invalid or he lost his office through formal heresy?

I agree that we personally should wait upon the Church to make that declaration.

On the other hand, it's absurd to say that people who fail to suspend judgment have committed the crime of schism.... Really?

How so -- cite the Canon Law that says it's a formal schismatic act to think a Pope is not validly elected, or may have lost his office through heresy.
Ave Crux
So how is that schism? Saint Vincent Ferrer was wrong and called the wrong Pope an antipope. Did he commit the sin of schism?
I'll keep @Ave Crux's Loads O' Bold while pointing out this is an unintentiionally accurate description of a classic Strawman Fallacy.
"You acknowledge that you "hear" their position, you restate it to show you "understand" their position, and then you help objectify the position with a new perspective.More
I'll keep @Ave Crux's Loads O' Bold while pointing out this is an unintentiionally accurate description of a classic Strawman Fallacy.

"You acknowledge that you "hear" their position, you restate it to show you "understand" their position, and then you help objectify the position with a new perspective.
Ave Crux
MM -- but there is where you are mistaken. You insist it's sin....but it's not. It's a reasoning Catholic response in the face of a Pope who has not ceased giving moral and doctrinal scandal throughout the course of his Papacy. I know people who are deeply troubled because they cannot reconcile the doctrine of the indefectibility of the Church with this present Papacy.
Also.... explain for us …More
MM -- but there is where you are mistaken. You insist it's sin....but it's not. It's a reasoning Catholic response in the face of a Pope who has not ceased giving moral and doctrinal scandal throughout the course of his Papacy. I know people who are deeply troubled because they cannot reconcile the doctrine of the indefectibility of the Church with this present Papacy.

Also.... explain for us precisely how people asking these valid questions are in "schism"....? Since it appears you readily assume they are.

On the other hand no one is permitted to think that Pope Francis is saying anything heretical when he does.....?
Ave Crux
MM -- no the reality is that many good Catholics throughout the world are absolutely horrified by the heterodox statements which are coming out of this Papacy, to see him meeting with transgender individuals while refusing audiences with Prelates concerned about moral dilemmas caused by this Pope's own document, etc. -- there is no need to list all the outrages, which are well-known.
The reality isMore
MM -- no the reality is that many good Catholics throughout the world are absolutely horrified by the heterodox statements which are coming out of this Papacy, to see him meeting with transgender individuals while refusing audiences with Prelates concerned about moral dilemmas caused by this Pope's own document, etc. -- there is no need to list all the outrages, which are well-known.

The reality is that it has now been published that circumstances appear to have arisen which -- according to an Apostolic Constitution-- would invalidate his election; which could explain how the Church is still indefectible when the Pope appears to be contradicting so many points of doctrine, affirming error, welcoming pagan ceremonies in the Vatican, etc..

I know the question of the Church's indefectibility and the apparent errors of the Papacy is very troubling for people I know.

AND SO, the reality is that such Catholics are considering what this means as concerns this Papacy, for these reasons.

While only the Church can determine that he IS Pope, it clearly begs the question among the informed Faithful, now that these points and scandals been so widely disseminated as to be common knowledge -- his words, actions, interviews, audiences even affirming people in public sin, like adultery, homosexuality, transgenderism, etc.,

The Catholic position in all this is that we presume he is; act as though he is and let the Church sort it out.
2 more comments from Ave Crux
Ave Crux
MM -No, I don't "cater" to anyone -- I simply acknowledge the reality in which we are living, rather than denying it. We are in a crisis....that's clear...the entire world knows the Church is in crisis. Then I calmly explain why I think it's futile for us to waste time on something we have no authority to declare, that's all. And I have done this over and over and over again.
QUESTION: Are you …More
MM -No, I don't "cater" to anyone -- I simply acknowledge the reality in which we are living, rather than denying it. We are in a crisis....that's clear...the entire world knows the Church is in crisis. Then I calmly explain why I think it's futile for us to waste time on something we have no authority to declare, that's all. And I have done this over and over and over again.

QUESTION: Are you aware that this is an established psychological approach in helping people come to a better understanding of themselves and a difficulty, and possibly helping them have an entirely new perspective?

You acknowledge that you "hear" their position, you restate it to show you "understand" their position, and then you help objectify the position with a new perspective.

Someone (a Carmelite Religious, in fact) did this for me many years ago when I was in the middle of a real spiritual trial, and a light suddenly went on and it was resolved in an instant.

That was because I was convinced the person knew exactly where "I was at" and the nature of my spiritual trial, understood exactly what I was struggling with, then laid out a different perspective on the very trial I was in the midst of.

These Catholics are hurting, and it is understandable. I recognize what they see -- what we all see, in fact -- and why they are wishing away a terrible situation. So, I offer a different perspective after acknowledging the validity of their angst. We are talking about established facts in the public forum that are there for all to see.

I don't find it helpful to liken such concerned Catholics to "Luther" and "alcoholics" or "sinners" or "schismatics". They cling to Holy Mother Church....they're not going anywhere. Hopefully God will sort it all out soon.
Ave Crux
MM -- I don't know why you keep trying to misrepresent my position. I have said multiple times that I presume Pope Francis is Pope until the Church declares otherwise.
And when any Pope does the right thing -- even if he's the worst scoundrel -- I welcome it, since I will never, ever dispute the authority of a sitting Pope when he rules in accord with Tradition, doctrine and the just exercise …
MM -- I don't know why you keep trying to misrepresent my position. I have said multiple times that I presume Pope Francis is Pope until the Church declares otherwise.

And when any Pope does the right thing -- even if he's the worst scoundrel -- I welcome it, since I will never, ever dispute the authority of a sitting Pope when he rules in accord with Tradition, doctrine and the just exercise of his authority.

When any Pope does the wrong thing, I will repudiate it until the day I die. I suggest you watch Father Ripperger's talk on "The Binding Force of Tradition" and how it has the binding force of Divine Precept, which no prelate or Pope may suppress and are actually bound to pass on as received -- since you appear very concerned about doing the right thing.

You're a neo-conservative legal positivist -- the death knell of the Catholic Faith; and yet you are intent on "protecting" all of us from the same demise.

I will also refer you to the all the articles written by @On The Contrary concerning this matter. You told me to read them....I did...! And they explain the SSPX position with admirable clarity and substantiation. I have nothing more to add to what they've said, as they possess far more expertise in laying out a clear position on SSPX. So refute OTC, not me.
"a single error in such a document...invalidates the legal instrument and its effect." @Ave Crux Secular Law and Canon Law are not the same. Non-Sequitur Fallacy also, debatably, a Fallacy of Composition. The point being, you need to quote Canon Law stating this "single error in a document" concept applies to Papal Resignations.
In point of fact, it doesn't and Canon Law 188 makes this clear. It …More
"a single error in such a document...invalidates the legal instrument and its effect." @Ave Crux Secular Law and Canon Law are not the same. Non-Sequitur Fallacy also, debatably, a Fallacy of Composition. The point being, you need to quote Canon Law stating this "single error in a document" concept applies to Papal Resignations.

In point of fact, it doesn't and Canon Law 188 makes this clear. It reads: "A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself." (emphasis,mine)

Notice the adjective "substantial" qualifying "error". A "single" error, such as spelling or grammar does not meet the standard established in Canon Law.

"And the incredibly well-informed Diocesan Exorcist who explained to me..."

Ave Crux's always-relevant "imaginary friend" appears! That didn't take long. As always the imaginary friends are a Fallacy Of Anecdotal Evidence.
"Thus it should be no surprise that Pope Benedict continuing to dress exactly like a Pope," @Ave Crux
He isn't dressing "exactly like a Pope". Post a photo of Benedict wearing his Papal Ring, Papal Sash, and Papal Shoulder Cape after his resignation. Just to be sure, post a photo of him wearing these Papal garments in the presence of Pope Francis.
You made this claim before and I asked you to …More
"Thus it should be no surprise that Pope Benedict continuing to dress exactly like a Pope," @Ave Crux

He isn't dressing "exactly like a Pope". Post a photo of Benedict wearing his Papal Ring, Papal Sash, and Papal Shoulder Cape after his resignation. Just to be sure, post a photo of him wearing these Papal garments in the presence of Pope Francis.

You made this claim before and I asked you to prove your claim before before over here. You didn't and, like the notorious Jimmy, you stuck your head someplace where reality won't intrude and did nothing else. Let's see if this turns into a repeat.

"retaining his papal name"

Benedict personally refutes this:

--Benedict explained that when he initially stepped down he wanted to be called 'Father Benedict' rather than Pope Emeritus or Benedict XVI, but 'I was too weak at that point to enforce it.'--

Citation: (Tekton Ministries article: "Ratzinger’s Request: Simply call me ‘Father Benedict’)

I have been linking that same article refuting "his papal name" claim since 2020. This September will be two years. Yet the stubborn and the stupid simply continue ignoring it in favor of repeating their same cherished falsehoods.
Ave Crux
MM -- an Apostolic Constitution clearly stating what renders a Papal Election invalid was not written by "lay idiots" and "conspiracy theorists".
It was written by a Pope who was clearly informed about why such an Apostolic Constitution would be necessary at this point in the Church's history.
And the incredibly well-informed Diocesan Exorcist who explained to me that an invalid election could …More
MM -- an Apostolic Constitution clearly stating what renders a Papal Election invalid was not written by "lay idiots" and "conspiracy theorists".

It was written by a Pope who was clearly informed about why such an Apostolic Constitution would be necessary at this point in the Church's history.

And the incredibly well-informed Diocesan Exorcist who explained to me that an invalid election could account for all the heterodoxy flowing out of the Papacy right now -- shocking statements that the mainstream media covers to their delight, and which Catholics see in the press all the time -- is not a "lay idiot" either.

I absolutely agree with you that the claims about Pope Benedict still being Pope border on the absurd.

However, having dealt for years with legal documents, I am well aware that a single error in such a document -- even if unintended -- invalidates the legal instrument and its effect.

IN FACT, I am TODAY dealing with a voided Power of Attorney because of a single error consisting of a single digit....! They refuse to accept the POA even after verbal verification with the very person who authorized it on his behalf!

So.....Catholics discuss whether something like that happened. So....?

You try to oversimplify this entire matter and corral reality into it being a matter of some "lay idiots" -- it's not. We are living in a very complex reality, and concerned Catholics are horrified by what's happening during this Papacy, and they are struggling to understand possible causes. position now and always has been -- I don't believe any devout Catholic mistaken or conjecturing in this matter is a stumbling block for anyone!

You're the one who insists that it is. Why?

Confusion about who the true Pope is has happened before. So? The Church survived, and no one who was mistaken was damned for that reason.

The fact that one of the people who was mistaken about who the Pope was at the time is now a Canonized Saint (Saint Vincent Ferrer) and yet, was absolutely wrong about it proves it's not a stumbling block.

These are concerned Catholics who cleave to the Holy Roman, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and are simply trying to figure out what's going on in Rome...!

I personally consider it futile to try to figure it out -- a waste of precious time that could be used for more fruitful endeavors -- because we are not qualified to make that determination -- nor is it our responsibility before God.

But I don't consider it "schismatic" (!) to have opinions when it's a matter before the entire world.

Stop trying to make it a matter of's not...! There is clear precedent for people being confused at some point in the history of the Catholic Church about who was Pope.

Would you please relax.....?
Ave Crux
Further to the example I give on the POA I am dealing with today. The person who authorized the POA affirms verbally that he authorized it and confirms its authenticity, that it reflects his precise wishes and intentions, and can be relied upon.
However, because there was a single error in the actual POA, they consider the document null and void and non-binding.
So it doesn't matter what the person …More
Further to the example I give on the POA I am dealing with today. The person who authorized the POA affirms verbally that he authorized it and confirms its authenticity, that it reflects his precise wishes and intentions, and can be relied upon.

However, because there was a single error in the actual POA, they consider the document null and void and non-binding.

So it doesn't matter what the person himself is saying --the legal document itself, the instrument executed for this purpose and intended to have a specific legal effect, is null and void due to a single error in its execution.

They are asking that an entirely new POA be drafted, despite this individual verbally assuring the institution that the POA is his, and reflects his intention and authorization.

In other words, there was an error in the legal execution of his wishes, thus rendering the process null and void, and requiring it be re-enacted.