Strawberry Moon: What is it and how can you see it? The night sky is about to serve up a sweet celestial treat that you won't want to miss! The Strawberry Moon is upon us! This scrumptious-sounding …More
Strawberry Moon: What is it and how can you see it?
The night sky is about to serve up a sweet celestial treat that you won't want to miss! The Strawberry Moon is upon us! This scrumptious-sounding lunar event has nothing to do with the actual fruit or the moon turning red, but it does signify the perfect time to enjoy the beauty of the skies and share some fun moon-related facts with your friends and family. But first, what is a Strawberry Moon, and when can you catch a glimpse of this celestial spectacle? The Strawberry Moon, a term coined by Native American tribes, marks the first (and many times only) full moon in June. It's named after the wild strawberries that typically ripen during this time, signaling the peak of the harvesting season. The moon's phase turns full at about 10:30 p.m. on Friday, June 21.