
Catholic Community Says Goodbye to Homosexualist Diocese

The Cittadella Divina della Misericordia [Divine Citadel of Mercy] has broken away from Reggio Emilia Diocese, Italy.

In an unsigned July 3 email to the vicar general, the group wrote that it is “no longer dependent on those whom it recognises as legitimate pastors of the Church” and is now tied to the Resistance [around Monsignor Richard Williamson, a former PiusX bishop].

The priests of the group, Father Claudio Crescimanno (from Isernia-Venafro Diocese) and Father Andrea Maccabiani, celebrate in a shed of an agricultural cooperative.

Regime media activists accuse them of having celebrated “during the pandemic without using masks” and of using the Roman Missal of which the local bishop wrongly believes that it is “in his exclusive competence” to allow it or not.

The group’s members meet in Casalgrande Alto and other locations. Most of them have been active members of their parishes until the ongoing Novus Ordo abuses made life there impossible.

Reggio Emilia Diocese has started an excommunication process against the group. The same diocese hands over churches to Orthodox schismatics. A June 6 “vigil against homotransfobia” in a Reggio Emilia parish was neither prevented nor punished by the diocese.


Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Orthodox schismatics" This is insulting to an ancient and very noble branch of Christianity. The Greek Orthodox and others, and the Coptic Orthodox have kept the Faith. Anyone from 1,000 years ago would immediatly recognize their Church, cmpared to CAtholics who wouldnt know what garbage heir Church has turned into. Saint Francis of Assisi and other great Saints would never recognize the Novus Ordo …More
"Orthodox schismatics" This is insulting to an ancient and very noble branch of Christianity. The Greek Orthodox and others, and the Coptic Orthodox have kept the Faith. Anyone from 1,000 years ago would immediatly recognize their Church, cmpared to CAtholics who wouldnt know what garbage heir Church has turned into. Saint Francis of Assisi and other great Saints would never recognize the Novus Ordo garbage as Catholic, or the antics of Bergoglio and his homosexual cohorts/advisors as CAtholic either. I would rather be a "schismatic" Orthodox, than a "Pope Francis" Catholic.
José Lindomar Soares
I would rather be a traditional catholic. Neither schimatic nor modernist.