Sally Dorman

Tucker Carlson after the interview with the Serbian President Vucic: NATO and the USA are destroying the German economy.

Tucker said this after the meeting and interview with the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, that what he claimed was confirmed by Vucic. "The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars – the First, the Second and Cold Wars – has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they're the only force that could threaten us . And to make sure that that doesn't happen." George Friedman, STRATFOR CEO at The Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs More and more reputable journalists and world politicians are confirming what is already clear to everyone. One of the main goals of the war in Ukraine is to prevent German-Russian business cooperation, which is a huge threat to the economic power of the United States. This is something I've written about several times. With the huge growth of China and the current rapid growth of the economies of India, Indonesia, etc., the world is becoming too small for 3 or more economic empires and one of those that are in decline (USA and Europe) must go to the list of third world countries. . The US is using its military power in the world to ensure that Europe will be the one to fail. Germany, which has the largest economy in Europe, before the war in Ukraine began to develop huge business ties and deals with Russia. Russia supplied German industry with cheap energy and provided cheap gas for households in Germany. Germany and Russia began to create enormous progress and economic prosperity for their citizens and the citizens of all of Europe, while the United States looked out the window. This also represented a great threat to NATO, which organization exists only thanks to media propaganda due to some kind of threat from Russia, which at that time was in great cooperation with Europe. Because of that, there was no longer a need for US military bases in Europe, missiles, weapons and all their chaos that they spread around the world. The project that was supposed to fully connect, deepen and seal this relationship between Germany and Russia was the Nord Stream gas pipeline that spilled the beans to the United States. Joe Biden openly stated "We will bring an end to it." He openly stated that he would stop the pipeline in any way possible. So the USA got to work, with its propaganda media machinery including the newspaper Bild in Germany, managed to remove Merkel from power and install its current poodle, Olaf Scholz. They provoked Russia into a war in Ukraine, blew up the Nord Stream gas pipeline, without shame or care, Scholz imposed sanctions against Russia, cut off all business cooperation, plunged the German economy into recession and began the painful de-industrialization of Germany.