9/11 Mysteries. "When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Arthur Conan Doyle, Sr., creator of Sherlock Holmes 911 Mysteries demolishes the 'official …More
9/11 Mysteries.
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Arthur Conan Doyle, Sr., creator of Sherlock Holmes
911 Mysteries demolishes the 'official' 911 conspiracy theory more graphically than any movie previously released. See for yourself what really happened in the 3 demolished buildings in the weeks before 9/11. Since 9-11 the American public has shown a "remarkable indifference to being deceived" (George Soros). But this is changing.
90 minutes of evidence and analysis, filled with eyewitness testimonials. Point-by-point review of the official story set alongside clear science. The question is not one of politics or nationalism or loyalty, but one of strict and simple physics:
Does steel melt in open air fires?
What caused the core to vanish in seconds?
No agenda. No finger-pointing. Just the facts and the questions. A story of people: Willie Rodriguez's strange recollection of noises on the 34th floor. Who was up there, bumping …More
William S Gibson
Watchinig this "911 Mysteries" in better quality on Odysee led to this extensive/intensive interview:
Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear Demolition
Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear DemolitionMore
Watchinig this "911 Mysteries" in better quality on Odysee led to this extensive/intensive interview:

Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear Demolition
Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear Demolition
Easter Lamb shares this

Believing in the official 9/11 story is similar to believe in the "Elvis is still alive" story - both are fantasies...
Unfortunately some people cannot face the truth-9/11 "Truthers" are the types that believe Elvis is still alive, UFO Aliens are among us, in underground secret bases, in shadow people" in Steven Hawkings-every changing theories etc.!
Unfortunately they didn't. Denying truth does not change it.
Islamic Terrorists Did This-END OF THE MYSTERY!!!!!!!!!!!
@Libor Halik
Im Schutt wurde NANOTHERMIT nachgewiesen,
von einem Kopenhagener Professor und seinen Kollegen im Dänischen TV gesendet.
Das ist nur einer der 'smoking guns'.
Nanothermit ist ein ausschließlich militärischer Hitec-Sprengstoff.More
@Libor Halik

Im Schutt wurde NANOTHERMIT nachgewiesen,
von einem Kopenhagener Professor und seinen Kollegen im Dänischen TV gesendet.
Das ist nur einer der 'smoking guns'.

Nanothermit ist ein ausschließlich militärischer Hitec-Sprengstoff.
Libor Halik shares this
Inside Job 2001-09-11 WTC + Pentagon.
Inside Job 2001-09-11 WTC + Pentagon. 9/11 Inside Job 2001 (2)More
Inside Job 2001-09-11 WTC + Pentagon.

Inside Job 2001-09-11 WTC + Pentagon. 9/11 Inside Job 2001 (2)
Libor Halik
How could kerosene burning at 850° Centigrade melt each Tower’s 47 central columns made of steel which melts only at 1500° Centigrade? (But they were softened? But did the Towers wilt, or crash?) Secondly, the South Tower plane cut within, but across, its South-East Corner – then how did the Tower fall not towards the South-East but vertically downwards, “within its footprint” as in a perfect …More
How could kerosene burning at 850° Centigrade melt each Tower’s 47 central columns made of steel which melts only at 1500° Centigrade? (But they were softened? But did the Towers wilt, or crash?) Secondly, the South Tower plane cut within, but across, its South-East Corner – then how did the Tower fall not towards the South-East but vertically downwards, “within its footprint” as in a perfect demolition? Thirdly, if (as we are told) the concrete floors pan-caked on top of one another, then how did both Towers collapse at the speed of gravity, and how, pray, did the 47 steel columns (which carried the floors and were not carried by them) not remain standing?
dinoscopus.blogspot.com/search/label/inside job

The Open Chemical Physics Journal:
German: Ground Zero-Chemiker Professor über den Fund von Nanothermit

Videosubtitles as pdf
Who is a terrorist? Kdo je terorista?
911 - Loose Change -
9/11 Mysteries
See also:
'911 - Loose Change'
See also:

'911 - Loose Change'
William S Gibson
Watchinig this "911 Mysteries" in better quality on Odysee led to this extensive/intensive interview:
Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear Demolition
Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear DemolitionMore
Watchinig this "911 Mysteries" in better quality on Odysee led to this extensive/intensive interview:

Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear Demolition
Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear Demolition