'Poster couple' for gay rights in California is divorcing

Photo ~ Robin Tyler and Diane Olson, who were among 14 same-sex couples who originally challenged California's gay marriage ban in 2008, are getting divorced 'Poster couple' for gay rights in California …More
Photo ~ Robin Tyler and Diane Olson, who were among 14 same-sex couples who originally challenged California's gay marriage ban in 2008, are getting divorced
'Poster couple' for gay rights in California is divorcing
When gay couples first sought the right to legally wed in California, they argued that they were entitled to all of the benefits of marital bliss.
It was only a matter of time before that benefit extended to the right to split up.
Even as the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals found California's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional Tuesday, one of the state's first gay couples to tie the knot was calling it quits.
Robin Tyler filed for divorce from Diane Olson on Jan. 25. The pair were among 14 same-sex couples who originally challenged the ban in 2008.
Tyler spoke about her decision.
"We're human and we went through difficult times," Tyler said. The marriage ran its course, she said. Click Here.
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