De Profundis
We are witnessing the modern-day Trojan Horse operation of our time.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
As an aside, I think Pope Francis today, in Marseille France, just made millions of enemies in France, Italy, and other countries swamped with a tidal wave of hostile Muslim migrants.
He said (believe it our not, but it shows what an A.H. he is), that Europe doesn't have a migrant crisis, and people should open the doors of their countries (and their homes), wide to these migrants.
I read on two …More
As an aside, I think Pope Francis today, in Marseille France, just made millions of enemies in France, Italy, and other countries swamped with a tidal wave of hostile Muslim migrants.
He said (believe it our not, but it shows what an A.H. he is), that Europe doesn't have a migrant crisis, and people should open the doors of their countries (and their homes), wide to these migrants.
I read on two sites, that the reception Francis got in MArseille from the French, including the Press, was very cold, to the point of open hostility. GOOD!! hE DESERVES IT.
Philadelphia Trad
Marseille is gone. I was there about 25 years ago and mere blocks from the inner harbor, I thought I was in Northern Africa. That was 25 years ago and I know from people in France that it has gotten MUCH worse. Last year, I was in Paris for a train switch from France into another country for work. The area around the Gare de l'est and the Gard du Nord was very menacing with hundreds of African (…More
Marseille is gone. I was there about 25 years ago and mere blocks from the inner harbor, I thought I was in Northern Africa. That was 25 years ago and I know from people in France that it has gotten MUCH worse. Last year, I was in Paris for a train switch from France into another country for work. The area around the Gare de l'est and the Gard du Nord was very menacing with hundreds of African (obviously) Muslim men, hanging out in packs, outside the churches and everywhere else. I did not see too many women with all the men - just like what we see at the southern U.S. border and the borders in Europe - the globalists are shipping in young, fighting-age men. The prophecy of Our Lady of La Salette is starting to come true (i.e. Paris and Marseille will be destroyed).
Philadelphia Trad
Amazing how all those destitute Africans could make the long, expensive trip across the Atlantic to Mexico.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This is sick. There should be overwhelming border crossing guards, police (even mounted police), to force these people back to where they came from. If anyone believes Joe Biden and his government that the border is closed, they are brainless zombies.