Louisiana has blocked the transgender mandate of the Biden administration. || SW NEWS || 609 Pontiff warns of pseudo-religious terrorism on last day of Kazakhstan visit: On Thursday, the last day of …More
Louisiana has blocked the transgender mandate of the Biden administration. || SW NEWS || 609
Pontiff warns of pseudo-religious terrorism on last day of Kazakhstan visit:
On Thursday, the last day of the Holy Father’s apostolic visit to Kazakhstan, the pontiff gave his concluding remarks at the 7th Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Nur Sultan.

Pope asks the Sandinista govt to allow expelled nuns in Nicaragua to return:
Pope Francis asked the Nicaraguan regime to allow expelled nuns of the Missionaries of Charity order founded by Mother Teresa to return to Nicaragua.

US Senate withholds vote on legalizing same-sex marriage until midterm elections are over:
As the US is going to witness midterm elections in November, the Senate has put on hold a vote to legalize same-sex marriage.

Louisiana court prevents enforcement of transgender mandate in Catholic health care facilities :
A court in the American state of Louisiana has blocked the transgender mandate of the Biden administration.

Most Brazilians do not support legalization of abortion: Survey :
In Brazil, a survey has found that most citizens do not want abortion to be legalized.

European Parliament condemns illegal detentions in Nicaragua :
The European Parliament (EP) on Thursday condemned the illegal arrests of members of the Catholic Church.

Church calls for peace in conflict-hit Cameroon for the sake of children :
In the Central African nation of Cameroon, the Catholic Archdiocese of Bamenda has called for peace for the sake of children.

‘Right to Life Indiana’ hails new abortion ban:
American pro-life outfit Right to Life Indiana has welcomed the state of Indiana’s new abortion ban which came into effect on Thursday.

Prayers sustained me, says American nun who was in captivity in Burkina Faso :
An American nun who was released after almost five months in captivity in Burkina Faso recounted her ordeal.

EU, rights outfits urge Lanka government to withdraw act that targets civilians :
Meanwhile, in Sri Lanka, the EU, rights outfits and Christian activists have urged the government to suspend a law that is allegedly being used to target citizens.

Cuba expels Jesuit superior for defending human rights :
The Superior of the Jesuit Fathers in Cuba was forced to leave the country as the government did not allow his residency permit to be renewed.

Air strikes in Ethiopia’s Tigray region leave 10 dead, 14 wounded:
In Ethiopia’s restive Tigray region, 10 people were killed in air strikes on September 14.