
High Ranking SSPX Priest Joined Francis Church, Lives In Santa Marta

Argentinian Father Pablo Enrique Suárez (52) has joined the Francis Church, reports Bishop Richard Williamson in his newsletter (June 1).

Suárez was the General Bursar of the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) from 2014 to 2018. He left the Society with the permission of its superior, Father Pagliarani.

Now, Suárez resides in the Casa Santa Marta where Francis himself lives. He will be incardinated in the Roman diocese.

The General Bursar oversees the management of the worldwide property of the Society and is part of the small group living in the Society's headquarters in Menzingen, Switzerland.

Picture: © Fsspx.news, #newsPdgfkqjrvc
High Ranking SSPX Priest reunited with the Holy Mother Catholic Church, Lives in Santa Marta. Praise God.
Casa Santa Marta is where all the homoheretics live. St Anthony hammer of heretics pray for us.
Messa in Latina reported more:
The agreement came after a personal phone call from Pope Francis, the contact motivated by an ancient friendship between them.
And, The reason for all this is the personal disagreements with the new Superior General, Don Davide Pagliarani.More
Messa in Latina reported more:

The agreement came after a personal phone call from Pope Francis, the contact motivated by an ancient friendship between them.

And, The reason for all this is the personal disagreements with the new Superior General, Don Davide Pagliarani.