Kamil Horal

Medical valerian or when the cat goes crazy...

Medical valerian or when the cat goes crazy...

/medicine for stomach pains caused by nervousness, stress and general relaxation... everyone needs that nowadays/ • in stress and anxiety states • with internal restlessness, nervousness and a feeling of tension • with insomnia, difficulty falling asleep and poor sleep quality • in support of mental and psychological well-being Since ancient times, people have used plants and vegetables for healing and help. One of the old healing herbs is the famous valerian, which grows wild in nature, mainly in marshy soils, is very tall, up to 1.5 meters, and has small, white flowers at the end and in the ground a root that looks like a palm with thin fingers. The root, which has its magical smell, is collected and dried, and woe betide you if

a cat gets to him...in a moment he goes completely crazy and starts behaving like never before...like a circus act...jumps, somersaults, rolls on the ground...grabs a root and hugs it, tries to bite it and she goes into a trance... as if she's completely crazy... cats are magically and extremely attracted to Valerian root especially by its smell and they are capable of anything to get to the root and be able to hug it, grab it, play with it... If the root dries in the summer somewhere in the attic, the cat must not get there, because it would go completely crazy...
Valerian root is used to make valerian drops, which are very helpful for the stomach, pain caused by nervousness, stress... which almost every second person has today...

Valerian heals insomnia, anxiety and spasms Valerian is also called cat's root because it has a characteristic aroma that attracts cats like a magnet. In folk medicine, it is known as a sedative how many centuries. It was also used by St. Hildegard of Bingen. In the Middle Ages, it served as an antidote to witchcraft. It was also used during the world wars, where it was given to soldiers to calm them down. Valerian is known as a medicinal plant that helps improve sleep quality and fall asleep more easily in a natural way. Compared to many sleeping pills, it has a huge advantage: it is not addictive. However, valerian is not intended only for evening use, but can also help during the day when a person feels stressed, exhausted, or tired. However, it should be borne in mind that in small quantities it has a stimulating effect, and in larger quantities, on the contrary, it has a calming effect. Valerian contains essential oils that give it its characteristic aroma. There are also alkaloids, tannins, valepotriates, flavonoids and other substances. What valerian helps with:

- relieves exhaustion, fear, anxiety, depression and neuroses - it is effective in spasms, therefore it is also recommended for menstrual problems and in climacteric - helps to fall asleep more easily and also significantly improves the quality of sleep - also works as a mild analgesic - it is also recommended for joint and muscle pain - relieves the symptoms of migraine and headache in general - acts against bloating and


Harvest time: August, September, October We collect: rhizome with roots About medical valerian Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) - valerian family Valeriana is a perennial herb with a straight, simple, longitudinally grooved stem, up to 100-150 cm high. The leaves are oddly pinnately cut, the lower with a stalk, the upper sessile. The flowers are small, white or pale pink, forming a panicle. The fruit is a small, egg-shaped achene with a wing. The rhizome is vertical, short and thick, hollow from the inside, numerous roots grow from it. The dried roots are light green and bittersweet. The characteristic smell of valerian is created during drying. Fresh rhizome does not smell. Valerian can be found in thickets, on steppe and forest slopes, in wet meadows, near streams and in wet forests.

valerian root

What does valerian contain - active substances Essential oil, borneol, acids, myrtenol, camphene, limonene, alkaloids, choline, glycosides, enzymes, carbohydrates, starch, tannins, resins, flavonoids, essential oils. Valerian medicinal - use and effects on health

valerian has a sedative effect on insomnia, nervous tension, nervous and mental fatigue in neuroses and neurasthenias, cardiac neuroses regulates the activity of the muscular apparatus of the heart dilates coronary vessels removes spasms of smooth muscles and has a beneficial effect on stomach and intestinal problems lowers blood pressure Valerian medicinal - collection

We pick the rhizomes together with the roots in August to October, when the above-ground part begins to wither. We clean the rhizomes from dirt and soil, then put them in baskets and wash them by dipping them in cold water several times. Then we "comb" the roots with a special metal comb. Then the roots and rhizomes are cut lengthwise, hung on a string and dried in an open airy place at a temperature of up to 35 degrees.