Conclave - Thursday Update

Conclave - Thursday Update

Conclave News

No date was set. The fifth congregation (meetings of the cardinals during the pre-conclave stage) began in the morning with prayer and ended just after the noon hour. 152 cardinals were present, 114 of which are eligible electors. Two more cardinals arrived today, one, the cardinal from Warsaw, is an elector and took the required oath upon his arrival. The final cardinal elector Jean-Baptiste Cardinal Pham Minh Mânfrom of Vietnam had just arrived at the airport at the time of the press conference. So, the required personnel, if you will, are all here at last.

Hugo Chavez Remembered?

One rather perplexing question raised at today’s congregation was whether or not the College of Cardinals would be sending a letter of condolences to the government of Venezuela at the death of Hugo Chavez. Well, the answer (if anyone wants to know) was yes, the College would indeed, and Cardinal Angelo Sodano personally drafted the letter in the name of the College. So, at least that’s done.

The Actual Workings of the Pre-Conclave

The cardinals are spending every day here this week in pre-conclave discussions. There are no thematic guidelines set for these discussions, and they can include any number of issues affecting the Church in various countries (from persecution of Christians to poverty to ecumenism), which are cited in relation to the qualities and experience required of the man who will soon have to address these issues as pope.

The Remnant Online
If I have to bet on where Chavez is I would say hes feeling really HOT right now! 🚬
Good riddance! 😜More
If I have to bet on where Chavez is I would say hes feeling really HOT right now! 🚬

Good riddance! 😜
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
The American Left mourns Chavez so it should come as no surprise that the Catholic left does also.
The dirty little secret is that the number of poor people in Venezuela skyrocketed during Hugo Chavez's presidency. He did not take care of the poor, but he made them think he was.
When he would go out and nationalize some oil wells, for example, he always did it under the auspices of taking …More

The American Left mourns Chavez so it should come as no surprise that the Catholic left does also.

The dirty little secret is that the number of poor people in Venezuela skyrocketed during Hugo Chavez's presidency. He did not take care of the poor, but he made them think he was.

When he would go out and nationalize some oil wells, for example, he always did it under the auspices of taking those oil wells back from those evil corporations and giving the money back to the people, and the people cheered.

The thing is, they didn't get the money, Chavez did.

Chavez's family has an estate in excess of $2 billion.

Shortly after coming to office, he rewrote the constitution to his liking and aggressively set out to rig elections and stifle adversaries in the legislative branch and the courts.

Unable to brook criticism, he turned his fire on the independent news media, eventually silencing most voices of opposition by bully tactics and economic intimidation.

For Venezuelans, the worst aspect of the Chávez years was the soaring crime rate. Venezuela has become one of the most violent countries in the world, with nearly 20,000 murders recorded in 2011.