Love of Neighbor, Tolerance and Mercy According to Hendrik Vöhringer

Love of Neighbor, Tolerance and Mercy According to Hendrik Vöhringer

Even by the low standards of 21st century tabloid journalism,'s -- as witnessed by his behavior in recent videos posted on -- Hendrik Vöhringer has managed to set the bar of common decency even lower.

By what authority does Herr Vöhringer believe that his rights to badger others supersede the rights of individuals who are obviously disinclined to speak with him or to be filmed by his cameramen?

By what authority does Herr Vöhringer think that he may enter a sacred Church space and shove his camera and his microphone into the faces of laity and clergy?

By what authority gives Herr Vöhringer the right to interrupt people in church who are preparing for prayer so that he can pursue his own agenda?

What makes the German, Herr Vöhringer think that he can employ Waffen SS jack-booted-thug tactics in Switzerland and accost the 81-year-old mother of a Catholic cleric in order to achieve a story for

In his reflections of recent events, Vöhringer mentioned those things that he felt were important for the Church: “love of neighbor” and “tolerance” and “mercy.”

Tell us, Herr Vöhringer, is harassing the 81-year-old widowed mother of a cleric the way you manifest your “love of neighbor”?

Is harassing the 81-year-old widowed mother of a cleric the way you manifest your “tolerance”?

Is harassing the 81-year-old widowed mother of a cleric the way you manifest your “mercy”?

By his actions, Herr Vöhringer has proved that he is a hypocritical, unprincipled, pseudo-journalist who does not seek the truth but prefers to feed his insatiable appetite for sensationalism. Sensationalism is his ambition. Truth, decency, and respect for the rights of others, including an 81-year-old widow, are secondary if they are even considered at all.

The footage posted on speaks for itself. Any Catholic who believes that Herr Furinger's brand of confrontational ambush journalism is an objective search for truth is deluded. Herr Vöhringer is a proponent of gutter journalism, he is an enemy of the truth, an enemy of the Church, an enemy of the laity and an enemy to the unborn who are valueless to him.

Herr Vöhringer did not need to come to Switzerland to discover the error of his dear German bishops. Any pro-life physician or pro-life spokesperson in Germany could have shown that the so called morning-after pill is abortive. According to Catholic teaching, the use of this pill is prohibited regardless of what the capitulating and cowardly German bishops conference has stated.

But, for Herr Vöhringer whether or not the morning-after pill is abortive is unimportant. Unborn babies are of no interest to secularists who see abortion as a woman's right. According to them, the unborn baby, created by the Lord and Giver of Life Himself, has no rights. Yet, Herr Vöhringer speaks about “love of neighbor” and “tolerance” and “mercy.”

This story is not about or its contributors. This story is about these German bishops who permitted the poisonous influence of media outlets and 'journalists' like Herr Vöhringer to influence their malevolent decision. What these German “journalists” ought to be doing is investigating the moral standards of 6 German bishops and all those involved in the killing of unborn babies or those who promote the killing of unborn babies. does none of these things.

Obviously, Herr Vöhringer cares little about unborn babies nor will he investigate the deceit emanating from the German bishops. Vöhringer and other pro abortionists are pleased and have gotten exactly what they want from the cowardly German bishops. Journalists like him pander to a far left German audience at where a zealous pursuit of truth is subordinate to sensationalism and where the mandate “Thou shalt not murder” does not apply to unborn babies.

In the 20th century, the Hakenkreuz symbolized death and destruction. It represented a German mind set in which inferior elements of humanity were viewed as being unworthy of life and were to be systematically destroyed.

But, the Swastika is not the story here. It is a symbol. The story is the killing of innocent unborn babies who will be destroyed by means of the morning-after pill that German bishops have approved for Catholic hospitals. Unborn babies are the inferior elements of our society in the same way that Jews and other undesirables were seen as the inferior elements of Germany during the early 1940s.

The irony is that the same callousness regarding the destruction and worthlessness of human life is seen today as it was seen in Germany during the 1940s. The primary difference today is that the target of the genocide are not Jews. The target is unborn babies. In a sense, these 21st century Nazis are more treacherous and dangerous than they were in Hitler's Germany since the destruction taking place today has the benediction of Germany's bishops.

These murdered unborn babies will never be given $89 Billion in reparations. That, Herr Vöhringer is the story not the swastika.

These murdered unborn babies will never have museums or monuments built in their memory. That, Herr Vöhringer is the story not the swastika.

These unborn babies will have few advocates among the living who are willing to speak for them and their right to life. That, Herr Vöhringer is the story not the swastika.

In conclusion, tactless, heavy-handed, bungling journalists should not be reporting on these kinds of serious life and death issues. Evidently integrity, professionalism and decency are beyond the scope of

Do what you do best, Herr Vöhringer ...trashy tabloid journalism in which you can continue to make your compelling reports on drag queens and transvestites.

Anthony Principe
(Sorry only in German language.)
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(Sorry only in German language.)

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Thanks Anthony. This is a very sharp, insightful and passionate analysis.
Drag queens and transvestites are the new "saints" in the empire of the media. They are hailed by the journalists.
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Thanks Anthony. This is a very sharp, insightful and passionate analysis.

Drag queens and transvestites are the new "saints" in the empire of the media. They are hailed by the journalists.

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Thanks for support - USA 👍
Well done, Anthony 😲
Thank You, Anthony 👍 👍 👍 .
Very good article 😲 😲 😲 and to the point 👍 .
Indeed, Herr Vöhringe, you better stick to drag queens. Especially, because you are very welcomed there 👌 😲
Thanks, Mr Principe, for your Pauline boldness (Rom 15,15). In view of the murky waters into which the German bishops have led their flock, your clarity and courage is much needed.
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Thanks, Mr Principe, for your Pauline boldness (Rom 15,15). In view of the murky waters into which the German bishops have led their flock, your clarity and courage is much needed.

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