What is Temperance? (Q 383) ChristthePriest on Dec 9, 2014 Fr Gerard Ryan CCS breaks down the 383rd question of the 'Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church', which asks "What is temperance?". …More
What is Temperance? (Q 383)

ChristthePriest on Dec 9, 2014 Fr Gerard Ryan CCS breaks down the 383rd question of the 'Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church', which asks "What is temperance?".
This is a snippet of his television show 'The Compendium Our Companion' featured on Telepace Australia.
The virtue that moderates the desire for pleasure. In the widest sense, temperance regulates every form of enjoyment that comes from the exercise of a human power or faculty, e.g., purely spiritual joy arising from intleectual activity or even the consolations experienced in prayer and emotional pleasure produced by such things as pleasant musci or the sight of a beautiful scene. In the strict sense, however, temperance is the correlative of fortitude. As fortitude controls rashness and fear in the face of the major pains that threaten to unbalance human nature, so temperance controls desire for major pleasure. Since pleasure follows from all natural activity, it is most intense when associated with our most natural activities. On the level of sense feeling, they are the pleasures that serve individual person through food and drink, and the human race through carnal intercourse. Temperance mainly refers to these appetites. (Etym. Latin temperare, to apportion, regulate, qualify.)