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« Sedevacantism : A False Solution to a real problem » by Priests of the SSPX's Italian District
Ludovic 2Nîm
@Boanerges Boanerges talking about errors of sedevacantism is good as they maintain a huge confusion speaking about things they don’t even understand like infallibility while everybody don’t need to know these details in order to understand that the examples given by some Popes like kissing the Quran or Assisi aren’t Catholic at all as it blasphemes Jesus Christ Our Lord and bless a book that deny …More
@Boanerges Boanerges talking about errors of sedevacantism is good as they maintain a huge confusion speaking about things they don’t even understand like infallibility while everybody don’t need to know these details in order to understand that the examples given by some Popes like kissing the Quran or Assisi aren’t Catholic at all as it blasphemes Jesus Christ Our Lord and bless a book that deny His divinity (along with calling to kill Christians).

We would prefer that they use their time to tell us how we used to get rid of modernists that were bishops in the past so that today we could do the same instead of talking about Popes that none can get rid of and with their talk that won’t change anything to the current situation…

By the way, sedevacantist always complain that Bishop Lefebvre recognized the Popes but as it’s said in Satis Cognitum from Pope Leo the 13th, any bishop that wouldn’t recognize the Pope as the Pope wouldn’t be a member of the Catholic Chiech and couldn’t participate to Her life. That’s why Bishop Lefebvre always used to expel all the priests that had become sedevacantist and that continues with the SSPX. Because one can’t be a member of the Catholic Churc and Bishop Lefebvre wanted the SSPX to be a Catholic Church’s stalwart. If he didn’t recognize the Popes, he wouldn’t have been any longer a member of the Catholic Church and then there wouldn’t have any more the Tridentine Mass in the Catholic Church as this latter was banned from everywhere by the Popes themselves. Our Lady of Quito announced 5 centuries ago that there would be one Bishop that would save the Catholic Church and it’s a recognized apparition. Lefebvre wasn’t a sedevacantist and is clearly the one that this apparition talked about. And sedevacantists were not chosen for doing what he did. No great Saint like Saint Vincent Ferrier or Saint Catherine of Sienna went to hell because they didn’t agree on who was the Pope as the time of the Great Western Schism. They became Saint and Vincent Ferrier prefered to stop to support his Pope in order to stop the confusion… Sedevacantist should take example…

The one that doesn’t recognize the Pope is no longer a member of the Catholic Church. To be a member doesn’t mean that we approve what the Popes do, but just that we respect what Our Lord Jesus Christ set up as it’s Him who instituted the Papacy. So we have to keep a great respect and Francis isn’t very likely the Antichrist as this one will be adopted by the Jews according to the Word of Our Lord that said that one will come under his own name and they will accept him. But yes, in their future according to some prophecies, there should be no Pope for a while as Fatima talk about a bishop dress in white and so on that won’t stay long. At this time, we would have no choice to be a sedevacantist. And it will be allowed to be sedevacantist in these circumstances. Until then, one must respect the institution of the Papacy and understand that this is a chastisement. Sedevacantist should use their important knowledge to tell us what to do with the bishops that are modernists and what we used to do to them when they were not expelled long before even the time of Saint Pius X. Also they should focus on the devotion of the First Saturday like it’s commanded as we really need the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady in order to get a real peace.
Boanerges Boanerges
Talking about errors of sedevacantism at the times of the false prophet Bergoglio is kinda like sitting at the Colosseum and watching Nero feed Christians to lions and then commenting whether these Christian martyrs are wearing proper clothes to this event.
All Saints
You @Slave of the Immaculata need some humility and a good Confession. Shame on you.