Chris Muniee
I think he is a worthy sucessor of Montini, Wojtyla and Ratzinger.
Bergoglio's heretical record disqualifies and invalidates him as Pope. So, by usurping the papacy, he occupies the position of the false prophet, a servant of the Antichrist.
Le dossier hérétique de Bergoglio le disqualifie et l'invalide en tant que pape. Ainsi, en usurpant la papauté, il occupe la position de faux prophète, serviteur de l'antéchrist.
Il record eretico di Bergoglio lo squalifica e lo invalida come papa. Così, usurpando il papato, occupa il posto di falso profeta, servitore dell'anticristo.
Chris Muniee
Ah, terrific language skills! Thanks for the feedback.
I am commenting in other languages using google translate to send a message to our Catholic brothers in France and Italy. I think it is important to draw attention in other languages so that they see that the entire sensus fidelium is opposed to the apostate Jorge Bergoglio.
La Voix de Dieu Magazine
He is the False Prophet of the book of revelation