Milagro Eucaristico Buenos Aires Argentina. ¡NO RECIBAS LA EUCARISTIA EN LA MANO! En Buenos Aires, Argentina se ha puesto de moda el recibir la Eucaristía en la mano (la obra sacrílega de satanás), …Más
Milagro Eucaristico Buenos Aires Argentina.
En Buenos Aires, Argentina se ha puesto de moda el recibir la Eucaristía en la mano (la obra sacrílega de satanás), y a una persona que recibió la eucaristía en la mano se le cae la Hostia Consagrada al suelo y no la quiere tomar porque decía que estaba sucia, y se rehusó a tomar esa eucaristía del suelo. Otra persona más piadosa la colocó a un lado con más cuidado y le avisó al sacerdote lo ocurrido.
El sacerdote siguió el procedimiento para estos casos y colocó la Hostia en un recipiente con agua para que se disuelva, para luego echar dicha agua en una planta (como es el procedimiento a seguir), y la coloca dentro del Sagrario. Pasado un tiempo abre el Sagrario para desechar dicha agua donde se debía haber disuelto la Hostia y lo que vió fue que la Hostia no se disolvió sino que tenía manchas rojas de diversos tamaños.
Cuando dichas manchas rojas se llevan a un laboratorio para ser analizadas, el …Más
Edmundo Martínez Muñiz
Para Dios no hay nada imposible, unos que vieron y no creyeron, y otros que no vieron creyeron, Dios está vivo hermanos bendiciones
mpfish compartió esto

victoriano lopez arteaga
gracias por el video
Libor Halik compartió esto
Miracles Today.
Our Lord Jesus Christ did miracles and he does miracles now, too.Más
Miracles Today.

Our Lord Jesus Christ did miracles and he does miracles now, too.
Barbara Anna
The same case had place some time ago in my country in Sokółka.
Barbara Anna
amazing video thanks for it
TO Barbarella; your video on the Eucharistic Miracles is interesting and wonderful. Isn't it wonderful how our Lord reminds us of his miracles! I want to share with you that we had the same thing happen at our part of the country. In 2007 we had a miracle at St Catherine of Siena Catholic church in Rialto, California. A woman at our church was cleaning the church one morning and she found a host on …Más
TO Barbarella; your video on the Eucharistic Miracles is interesting and wonderful. Isn't it wonderful how our Lord reminds us of his miracles! I want to share with you that we had the same thing happen at our part of the country. In 2007 we had a miracle at St Catherine of Siena Catholic church in Rialto, California. A woman at our church was cleaning the church one morning and she found a host on the floor so she took it to the priest and he kept it in a glass of water to disolve but it did not disolve. So the next day another priest came to look at this host and it had not disolved. Both priests tested it and a doctor did tests on it and cofirmed that it had blood on it. It is so great that we can witness miracles in our time! thank you for your video. God bless you, catholicbug
Thank you Barbarella:
"Take and eat, this is my body." (Mt 26:26)
"This is my body ... This is my blood of the covenant." (Mk 14:22,24)
"This is my body, which will be given up for you ... new covenant in my blood" (Lk 22:19-20)
St. Ignatius (110AD) - [
heretics] abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the Flesh of Our Savior Jesus Christ...(…Más
Thank you Barbarella:

"Take and eat, this is my body." (Mt 26:26)

"This is my body ... This is my blood of the covenant." (Mk 14:22,24)

"This is my body, which will be given up for you ... new covenant in my blood" (Lk 22:19-20)

St. Ignatius (110AD) - [
heretics] abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the Flesh of Our Savior Jesus Christ...(Letter to the Smyrnaens 6,2)

St. Justin Martyr (150 AD) -not as common bread, nor commom drink do we receive these; but ... as we have been taught, the food which has been made into the Eucharist by the Eucharistic prayer set down by him, and by the change of which our blood and flesh are nourished,is both the flesh and blood of that Incarnated Jesus."(First apology 66, 20)

St. Irenaeus of Lyons (195 AD) - He [Jesus] has declared the cup, a part of his creation, He has established as His own Body from which He gives increase to our bodies. (Against Heresies 5,2, 2)

St. Cyril of Jerusalem (350 AD) - "He himself, therefore, having declared and said of the Bread, "This is My Body', who will dare any longer to doubt? And when he himself has affirmed and said, 'This is My Blood', who can ever hesitate and say it is not His Blood." (Catechetical Lectures: Mystagogic 4,22, 1)
a beatiful representation of the the divine power. I juz strikked when i first time watch it. continue it..
<a href="www.testking-exams.com/70-293.htm">testking 70-293Más
a beatiful representation of the the divine power. I juz strikked when i first time watch it. continue it..

<a href="www.testking-exams.com/70-293.htm">testking 70-293
Libor Halik
Thank you Barbarella. We need to listen about the divine power of our Lord Jesus Christ very often. We are weak. The power of the evil is now too big, so we need the help of God's miracles. When Michaela Stefanova received the holy communion from my hands at my small parish in Czech republic on 29th of April 2007, she felt, that she was not eating the bread, but that she was eating the flesh. It …Más
Thank you Barbarella. We need to listen about the divine power of our Lord Jesus Christ very often. We are weak. The power of the evil is now too big, so we need the help of God's miracles. When Michaela Stefanova received the holy communion from my hands at my small parish in Czech republic on 29th of April 2007, she felt, that she was not eating the bread, but that she was eating the flesh. It was a shock for her.
Minulou neděli 29.4.2007 při svatém přijímání v naší domácí kapli Míša Štefanová cítila, že nepolyká chléb, ale skutečné maso Kristovo. Celý týden na to pak myslela a dne 6.5.2007 vyprávěla. Byl to eucharistický zázrak. 😇
Thanks for the link, Reesorville. I haven't seen that the video is already posted. 😇