Quo Primum
Happy birthday America. catholicism.org/book-review-dis… America Vol 19 pg 593 Nov 29, 1911 on giving the Cardinal's hat to John Cardinal Farley, said: "The enthusiasm with which the news of your …More
Happy birthday America.
America Vol 19
pg 593
Nov 29, 1911 on giving the Cardinal's hat to John Cardinal Farley, said:
"The enthusiasm with which the news of your elevation to the Sacred College was received, the demonstrations which were made for you by all classes of citizens, the acclamations, accompanied with blessings, wishes and affectionate greetings on your departure from New York and Boston, and finally your triumph ant voyage across the ocean protected by the Papal flag, afford me not only hope, but certainty that the Lord on your return will multiply the fruits of your Apostolate, and that over the hospitable land which receives all peoples of the world, and with well-ordered liberty provides for the universal well-being, the Lord will reign and His glory will shine therein."
Quo Primum
Rabbi Schiller, Ron Paul, and president Reagan all promoted Fatimawww.nationalreview.com/…/ronald-reagan-p…
Marie Tucker
Thank you again Father