Gloria.TV News on the 8th of September 2015 Wrong Man: With less than 24 hours notice, the Vatican has announced that today, Tuesday, two Apostolic Letters of Pope Francis will be published. They will …More
Gloria.TV News on the 8th of September 2015

Wrong Man: With less than 24 hours notice, the Vatican has announced that today, Tuesday, two Apostolic Letters of Pope Francis will be published. They will introduce a speed-up of the declaration of nullity of marriage. The letters will be presented among others by Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, the president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts. Coccopalmerio has not been replaced by Pope Francis although he is 77 years old. He is an outspoken member of the pro-homosex and pro-divorce faction among the cardinals.

Corruption Among Bishops: Bishop Markus Büchel of Saint Gall, Switzerland, the president of the Swiss Bishops’ Conference, has declared in front of the media that – quote – “we cannot deny our blessing if two homosexuals want to live together.” He added that there is not yet a written ritual for such blessings.

Media Hypocrisy: The media have made much noise about the image of the Kurdish boy Alan Kurdi who tragically drawned while attempting to cross from Turkey to the Greek island of Kos. The German investigative blog "dies-ist-abtreibung.de" criticizes that the dead child is called – quote - "the decline of Europe", while the same media praise the brutal killing of children by abortion as a human right.

Imagination: Father Ray Blake commented on the Pope's request that every European parish should welcome at least one refugee family. Father is disappointed that the two Vatican parishes take only one family each: “I was hoping Francis might follow Pope Pius XII and have refugee women giving birth in his bed, that there might actually be twelve families in the former Apostolic apartments, he said there was room for them when he first was shown them. I hoped that the papal holiday home Castel Gandolfo might also be used, I certainly welcomed the idea of St Marta being overrun by refugee toddlers, it would give a whole new perspective to the Synod on the Family. Cardinal Kasper on the floor playing with bricks, Baldissieri playing hide and seek, archbishop Forte changing nappies ... my imagination runs away with me - but you get my drift.”
“we cannot deny our blessing if two homosexuals want to live together - only ritual is missing :) Jeusu show your mercy and love to this lost priest ...
The oil-rich Gulf states flood Syria with weapons and finances to support the war, but when Syrians are running for their lives because of the war, these countries all close their borders, guard them with armed soldiers and refuse to take in any of the victims of the wars they are funding. There are many Muslims who are good and just people, who will help such people in their hour of need; but you …More
The oil-rich Gulf states flood Syria with weapons and finances to support the war, but when Syrians are running for their lives because of the war, these countries all close their borders, guard them with armed soldiers and refuse to take in any of the victims of the wars they are funding. There are many Muslims who are good and just people, who will help such people in their hour of need; but you unfortunately see in this how much love there really is among a great many Muslims, how much of a brotherhood there is in Islam when they leave the desperate people to drown at sea because only the infidels will help them. A Syrian refugee in Europe said of the Gulf states, 'I swear to God, they are the real infidels!'

I hope that the western nations welcome the refugees with open arms and love. Jesus said 'they will know you are my disciples by your love for one another'. The good Samaritan helped the man robbed on the road without knowing if this man was dangerous or safe. If you do not want to take any risks, then you will never help anyone at all.
adeste fideles
✍️ Promote the annulment is an act of selfishness and injustice to children born in the bosom of the Catholic Family united by the Sacrament of Marriage
Prof. Leonard Wessell
Aaaah, "drown" and not "drawn" (?), otherwise pronounced correctly, though incorrect. Oh, well, it must have been one of those "surprises" by the "spirit" Pope Francis keeps talking about.