
Sublime teachings from Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Book of Heaven

Imprimatur 1926 Now, you must know that my Will is greater and more endless than Redemption Itself; and what is greater always brings greater fruits and goods. My Will is eternal in time and eternity …More
Imprimatur 1926
Now, you must know that my Will is greater and more endless than Redemption Itself; and what is greater always brings greater fruits and goods. My Will is eternal in time and eternity - It had no beginning, nor will It ever end. On the other hand, though being eternal in the divine mind, Redemption had Its beginning in time, and was a product of the Eternal Will. So, it was not Redemption that gave life to the Divine Will, but it was my Will that gave life to Redemption; and whatever has the power to give life, by nature and by necessity must become more fruitful than the one who has received life.
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Book of Heaven- Volume 19
March 19, 1926
How the Most Holy Will of God eclipses everything, even Creation and Redemption; and being Life of everything, It will produce greater fruits.
St. Hannibal Maria di Francia AlsoSpiritual director of Melanie of La Sallette, this Saint knew Our Lady’s message better than anyone!!!…Annibale-Maria-Di-Francia-and-Luisa-Piccarreta.pdf
St. Hannibal Maria di FranciaMore
St. Hannibal Maria di Francia AlsoSpiritual director of Melanie of La Sallette, this Saint knew Our Lady’s message better than anyone!!!…Annibale-Maria-Di-Francia-and-Luisa-Piccarreta.pdf

St. Hannibal Maria di Francia
Mary Smith shares this
What is the meaning of this
Well it literally means, that the Redemption of the Cross (as magnificent as it is occurred in time) comes out or from the immensity of what the Three seperate and individual Divine Persons operate in the one Divine Will. They think move and act (everything) in the eternal NOW in the harmony of the one Divine Will. “ Thy Will be done on earth as is is in Heaven” hasn’t happened since the Fall.
The works of Luisa Piccaretta have been condemned by the Church; they contain heresy, among other things proclaiming 'new' revelations. These teachings are often held as important teaching by modernists. IS LUISA PICCARRETA’S KINGDOM OF THE DIVINE WILL CATHOLIC?
Giveusthisday. The only thing of any substance, is that 3 of the 39 books of Luisa where placed on the index. 1. The watch of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Chist, with a Treatise on the Divine Will
2. In the kingdom of the Divine Will
3. The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
This was because Luisa’s confessor, in a well meaning enterprise changed the words in these three volumes. …More
Giveusthisday. The only thing of any substance, is that 3 of the 39 books of Luisa where placed on the index. 1. The watch of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Chist, with a Treatise on the Divine Will

2. In the kingdom of the Divine Will

3. The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

This was because Luisa’s confessor, in a well meaning enterprise changed the words in these three volumes.

This new to us (but not to Adam) because we don’t have a precise knowledge of what was given before the Fall. But understand not new to mankind. “There is nothing new under the sun”.

Think how different everything would be if the Fall didn’t happen. Adam was made for pre fall conditions.

So if God being God wants to restore what the Holy Trinity had already gifted to mankind, has not God the power to restore this. Was Our Lady not created exempt from all the wreckage?

Imagine the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to bring about the Divine promise in the Parter Noster “ Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” exactly how it was before the Fall.