A Cardinal Missing: Last Seen Disguised as a Layman

The Archdiocese of Panama has confirmed that Spanish-born Cardinal José Lacunza, 79, is missing. He is the Bishop of David, Panama, a diocese with 16 active priests.

Prosecutors have launched an investigation. Lacunza was last seen on Tuesday and disappeared in western Panama, near the border with Costa Rica.

InfoVaticana.com writes that he left his house by car, dressed as a layman. He didn't take his telephone or other personal belongings with him.

Lacunza, who wears the same pectoral cross as Francis, was made a cardinal by Francis in 2015.

In October 2022, he attended a Mayan cult in Panama, where a mother-father god, Pachamama, and a sun god were invoked. In September 2023, he signed a condemnation of the faithful who attend masses celebrated by the Society of Saint Pius X.

Perhaps he's been in Ireland with the Irish Bishops at Knock, attending the Jimmy Martin seminar on how to perform the new Sodomy Blessings. Has anyone checked there? 😐
John A Cassani
I hope he’s safe. By Bergoglian standards, a diocese with 16 priests is kind of big for getting the red hat.