
Benedict XVI Is Disappointed About Cardinal Müllers Dismissal

Cardinal Gerhard Müller was not given reasons why he was fired as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, but according to him, everybody "can figure out" what his dismissal means, Müller told dpa. He expected to hold his position until his 75th birthday. According to him, Benedict XVI is "disappointed" that Müller was fired.

Müller criticises that certain circles were spreading rumours of tensions between him and Francis, "The Pope has always assured me, that he does not believe these rumors and trusts me fully." About himself he says, "I believe, I was in my life never conservative or a hardliner."

Müller is not opposed to constructively criticising Francis and accuses some of a “hypocritical devotion to the Pope”, of "court demeanour", of "servile fuss", or of following the motto, "The Holy Father has an idea, and we follow it unconditionally, and everybody is full of admiration."

Müller reminds that "not all what the Pope does and says is a priori perfect and unsurpassable”.

Indirectly he criticises the many mediocre nominations made by Francis, "In the old days one used to say that a good ruler always distinguishes himself by attracting the best, even uncomfortable advisers, not opportunists or mediocrities, who at all times have tried to get into power positions."

Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller, © Piotr Drabik, CC BY, #newsRqmuhoxena