holyrope 3
Gerald Celente: "Internet Nuke Bomb Waiting To Go Off." Internet Nuke Bombs Waiting To Go Off. This said by Trends Researcher, Gerald Celente, well known for his studing of trends and customs around …More
Gerald Celente: "Internet Nuke Bomb Waiting To Go Off."

Internet Nuke Bombs Waiting To Go Off. This said by Trends Researcher, Gerald Celente, well known for his studing of trends and customs around the world.
He said the US financial markets would crash in 2010. He was wrong. He is right in saying these things could happen, but much like bubbles, they always last longer than the experts think.
holyrope 3
thank you marcus josephus!
marcus josephus
Here is his site along with a wide breathe of media referrals
Here is his site along with a wide breathe of media referrals


holyrope 3
TES says:
"Who cares about the climate in a hundred years from now, the oldies at the top who run the show aren't going to be around anymore!"

Exactly, you would think if they were truly "concerned" with the climate they would equally, if not more be concerned about the financial stability the future generation will find themselves in. Future?..who am I kidding? it's already here. People very soon …More
TES says:

"Who cares about the climate in a hundred years from now, the oldies at the top who run the show aren't going to be around anymore!"

Exactly, you would think if they were truly "concerned" with the climate they would equally, if not more be concerned about the financial stability the future generation will find themselves in. Future?..who am I kidding? it's already here. People very soon won't see their retirement pension, who knows about medicare/medicaid? I too, think this guy is right on the money, and I'm glad he speaks it without any fear of retribution.
This man is clearly not stupid. The governments use the word "terrorism" on everything that goes against their point of view. We are not supposed to know, that they want to know and control everything! They have privately invested huge amounts of money in stocks of these multi-billion dollar businesses, and they are against everything that would change the system. The oil-people have a lot of money …More
This man is clearly not stupid. The governments use the word "terrorism" on everything that goes against their point of view. We are not supposed to know, that they want to know and control everything! They have privately invested huge amounts of money in stocks of these multi-billion dollar businesses, and they are against everything that would change the system. The oil-people have a lot of money, and they run the show. Who cares about the climate in a hundret years from now, the oldies at the top who run the show aren't going to be around anyway anymore! What counts is MY BANK-ACCOUNT in this quarter and the next, what is it to me, if the recources are all used up in 50 yrs, what do I care. THe FBI is on the airports and takes the fingerprints of ALL the men that enter the US, as if they were all criminals. You have strickt rules concerning under which conditions you take the fingerprints of a US citicens, and there are x cruel and sociopathic killers that get off the hook on a count of some minimal byroucratic failure; but foreign citizens can be all treated as criminals. You know: "If you want to see New Yourk and the Empire State Building, if you want to go to Disneyland, buddy, over here, FINGERPRINTS, PLEASE!" What is this? The poeple pay all the crap that the rich produce. They collect the money, and the ordinary poeple pay higher and higher taxes, in order to prevent the banks from going under?!? Hello, world! Young poeple get a college education, in order to become unemplyed teachers and doctors. And most of the poeple cannot even afford to go to a doctor. And this we call the civilized world... I do wonder. I am NOT a socialist, far from that, but I consider the worth of EVERY human being as high as any other, we are equal. So the fact that someone has a lot of money should not make him more important than the one who struggles to make the ends meet. However, that's the reality of today. But I agree with this man, the times are changing and the bells begin to toll. The question is, for whom? 😈