Homsex-Schism Overshadows Anglican Meeting in Rome

Anglican Communions from around the world met in Rome from 29 April to 3 May. 32 provinces were present, but nine - those who have young members and are growing in numbers - were absent.

Most of the latter refused to attend for reasons of conscience. The Lay-Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, shed some crocodile tears, describing the Anglican schism he had created himself as "very distressing".

"The real issue remains the Church of England's decision to consider further the extent to which it will support the blessing of couples in homosexual relationships," he admitted.

Francis received the participants of the meeting on 2 May. He asked the homosexual propagandists and heretics for their prayers: "My work is hard. Please pray for me".

Picture: Vaticna Media, #newsAgzekjhpao

la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio and his accomplice Justin Welby two apostates in cahoots, defying the laws of God and attacking Catholic morality.
la verdad prevalece
Jesus warned us that by their evil fruits we will recognize these impostors.
P. O'B
Even heretics with half a brain know that the Bergoglian Church is a sham.
la verdad prevalece
Even the girl without much school education who took care of my mother.
Tony M
This video of a very recent talk given by Liz Yore will explain all you need to know.
Send it to every single person you can think of!!! Awesome!!!
Bonfire of Vanities: Our Lady Crushes the Head of the Great Reset by Elizabeth Yore | FC24 Dallas,TX
True Mass
Why do they meet in Rome? Hmmm