Satanic: "Abortion is health care" unbelievable.More
Satanic: "Abortion is health care"

oh... what a PIG
In America there is a history of people who crave fame and popularity, celebrity status, but have virtually no talent. So the only means they have of attracting attention is to do something they think will shock people. It works. The first no-talent to deploy this strategy was Elvis Presley. He was a good looking guy with a decent singing voice. That's it. Dime a dozen. He couldn't write songs. He …More
In America there is a history of people who crave fame and popularity, celebrity status, but have virtually no talent. So the only means they have of attracting attention is to do something they think will shock people. It works. The first no-talent to deploy this strategy was Elvis Presley. He was a good looking guy with a decent singing voice. That's it. Dime a dozen. He couldn't write songs. He wasn't a guitarist outside of three chords. The guitar was basically a prop. How did he become a superstar? He did the unheard of in 1950's America: he gyrated around his lower regions in a sexual manner on television. That's what got him all the attention and coverage. If not for that he would have flopped in the music business and ended up going back to Tupelo to sell life insurance or something.

The lesson was quickly learned and Elvis is pretty much the patron "saint" of spotlight craving no talents. Trouble is once one guy shakes his nether regions, the bar for what is "shocking" is now raised. So the next no talent that comes along must do something even more shocking to garner the same effect.

Miley Cyrus (the imbecile in the picture) is one of these. In lieu of actual talent, this is the kind of thing she comes up with in order to attract attention. It's pathetic, actually. It's not even shocking anymore. It's predictably boring and dumb.
Sick and ugly. A demon possessed freak.