
EXCLUSIVE: Vatican bishop defends giving Communion to pro-abortion Argentine president and mistress

EXCLUSIVE: Vatican bishop defends giving Communion to pro-abortion Argentine president and mistress It’s a ‘problem’ only for U.S. Catholics and Cardinal Raymond Burke, Bishop Sorondo said. Fri Feb …More
EXCLUSIVE: Vatican bishop defends giving Communion to pro-abortion Argentine president and mistress
It’s a ‘problem’ only for U.S. Catholics and Cardinal Raymond Burke, Bishop Sorondo said.
Fri Feb 7, 2020 - 7:06 pm EST
Pope Francis meets Argentine president Alberto Fernandez and his mistress, Fabiola Yanez
Rome Reports / screenshot
By Diane Montagna
ROME, February 7, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — A Vatican bishop has defended giving Holy Communion to the pro-abortion president of Argentina and his mistress during their recent visit to the Vatican, saying it is a “problem” only for U.S. Catholics and Cardinal Raymond Burke.
The bishop accused this journalist of being a “fanatic” for challenging him on it. In comments to LifeSite on February 6, Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, vigorously argued that canon law “obliges” a priest to give the Eucharist to openly pro-abortion politicians who present themselves for Communion. The Argentine prelate said …More
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