
Francis breaks convention by firing Congregation head before retirement age, then sending him home

by John Thavis A new chapter in Pope Francis’ revolution was written today when the pope named Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera as archbishop of Valencia, Spain. The appointment was remarkable mainly …More
by John Thavis
A new chapter in Pope Francis’ revolution was written today when the pope named Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera as archbishop of Valencia, Spain.
The appointment was remarkable mainly because it violated the age-old Roman Curia maxim, “You can’t go home again.” Cardinal Cañizares was being sent back to Valencia, where he was ordained a priest 44 years ago, after a five-year stint as head of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments.
UPDATE: Cardinal Cañizares said in an interview that he was happy to be going back to his home diocese, and that he told the pope he wanted to "smell like the sheep" (using one of Francis' favorite phrases about pastors.)
Traditionally, Roman Curia department heads, especially if they’re cardinals, stay on the job until retirement. And after they retire, most continue to reside in Rome rather than returning to pastoral work in their home countries.
I’ve argued that if Pope Francis really wants to emphasize service over …More
Dr Bobus
The pope didn't fire him. When BXVI was pope. I heard that Cardinal Canizares didn't like working in the Curia. For someone who has been top dog in a diocese for some time, it can be ad adjustment. And not everyone likes being in Rome for years and years--it can be a very constricted life.
And those appointments are for 5 years. After every 5 years Cdl Ratzinger would submit his resignation--and …More
The pope didn't fire him. When BXVI was pope. I heard that Cardinal Canizares didn't like working in the Curia. For someone who has been top dog in a diocese for some time, it can be ad adjustment. And not everyone likes being in Rome for years and years--it can be a very constricted life.

And those appointments are for 5 years. After every 5 years Cdl Ratzinger would submit his resignation--and JPII would tell him to forget it.