
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines zajebali mi walizke z zawartoscia warta 510 Euro

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines zajebali mi walizke z zawartoscia warta 510 Euro i pomimo jej odnalezienia kilka dni temu, nie chca mi jej oddac ani zwrócic pieniedzy za jej wartosc, w tym celu skasowali moje …Więcej
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines zajebali mi walizke z zawartoscia warta 510 Euro i pomimo jej odnalezienia kilka dni temu, nie chca mi jej oddac ani zwrócic pieniedzy za jej wartosc, w tym celu skasowali moje reklamacje i blokuja dostep do swego serwisu reklamacyjnego. Tak to wiec KLM Royal Dutch Airlines juz nie na murzynach w Afryce Poludniowej, lecz na swych klientach -skromnych Polakach zbija majatki kradnac nam (i byc moze wielu innym klientom lotniska w Amsterdamie!) bagaze!
Proponuja nie korzystac nigdy wiecej z uslug tej firmy, gdyz na 2 razy tranzytu przez Schiphol w obu przypadkach KLM Royal Dutch Airlines zajebali mi walizke i dobytkiem.
ok 18.26.02
There's a liquid in your suitcase and the Courier won't mail it.
ok 18.26.41
can you call us?
leszek007 18.27.45
The liquid is becoming, because the transporters have broken the security of it. It is because it pased more than one week when the air company has steal my luggage.
ok 18.27.46
if you come back to kunming,pls call us
leszek007 18.29.41
Now …Więcej
ok 18.26.02
There's a liquid in your suitcase and the Courier won't mail it.
ok 18.26.41
can you call us?
leszek007 18.27.45
The liquid is becoming, because the transporters have broken the security of it. It is because it pased more than one week when the air company has steal my luggage.
ok 18.27.46
if you come back to kunming,pls call us
leszek007 18.29.41
Now I do not pick up my luggage, because all is broken and stolen by Amsterdam mafia. I must get my compensation. The aircroft company has broken my luggage!!!!!!!!!!!
ok 18.30.49
we have been calling your friend before, let him tell you, he said to wait.we called him today, he said he can't contact you, and let us contact you "**********".
leszek007 18.31.50
Now I do not accept my luggage, I already bought a new luggage and my new things, which I need.
ok 18.33.07
Don't you want your luggage?
leszek007 18.33.29
I require the compensation for stolen in Amsterdam, by islamic bandids and holland's mafia, my luggage with my
expensive products.
leszek007 18.34.31
It must be investigated by The Interpol special antycriminal Police. That situation alwais happends to me.
ok 18.36.42
pls give me your phone number
leszek007 18.37.12
I do not get chinese telephone line.
leszek007 18.41.32
Now we are at May 03 2018? How many days is it after my arrival to China? 9 days passed from the moment tha aircroft company KLM and China Southern
should give me to my hands my luggage, and now it is broken, because they have broken it, and pretend to give me a shit broken and stolen by them everything
from inside. That I do not accept.
leszek007 18.42.58
<Before I gave you my correct address and telephone number, but after one week has changed everything. I am in China for vacations, not for waiting my luggage.
leszek007 18.44.19
Everyday costs me at minimum 70 Euros per day to be in China; and now, more because I do not dispond of my properities from my stolen by klm aircroft company and partners big sutcase.
ok 19.38.28
Hello, Sir, I can understand your mood, I apply for the airline, to give you a compensation of 500 yuan allowance right now.Now your luggage have found ,when will you go back to KMG,you can open the luggage check face to face, to see what's missing, we report in a timely manner to the airlines。
leszek007 19.40.42
no acepted 500 Yuan.

leszek007 19.55.35
Now the KLM Royal Dutsch Airlines may send my luggage to his majesty "Willem-Alexander" king of Niderland to give him something good to ear and to drink, from my best things inside of
my luggage which now is made a garbage by his subjects; because I am sure he is so much hungry that they need to steal from Polish People ours luggages to give him somethink to eat and drink
and to give him clothes to get him dressed anyway to not get his majesty catch a cold. Ser Willem may need my things more than me, now, its made a garbage just for his
expectations like his all kingdom now too.
I require to pay for me the real value of my goods, which is 590 Euro, and compensation 100 Euro for waiting long time for it and the compensation of 100 Euro more for
degradation and offending my honor commited by KLM Royal Dutsch Airlines and partners..
ok 04/05/2018 19.56.52
I told the airline, they said that the regulation can only compensate for 500 yuan, liquid fragile goods are not consigned to the regulations.
leszek007 20.03.23
They oppened and destroyed the liquid bottled good protected goods, so they must pay it anyway to me and things from inside which are not liquid too,
because they try to find a way to not pay me for destroing my goods. If they did not stolen my luggage, but if they given me it in the Pekin or Kunming airport
at the moment of my arrival, the disaster produced by them would and should NEVER HAPPENED! It was an racist sabotage against a Polish citizen whom the Netherlands hates
because of its Nazi past and anti-Polish nowadays, it is a political scandal.
Ya hace 6 dias espero devolucion de mi maleta grande con valor de 510 Euro, pero, a pesar de haberla encontrado el Servicio de Equipaje, segun cual mi maleta habia sido perdida por KLM Royal Dutch airlains en Aeropuerto de Amsterdam día 24 de abril 2018, no se me devolvio tanto mi propia maleta como su contenido y no se me reembolso 510 Euros de su valor real ni compensado con 100 Euros solicitados …Więcej
Ya hace 6 dias espero devolucion de mi maleta grande con valor de 510 Euro, pero, a pesar de haberla encontrado el Servicio de Equipaje, segun cual mi maleta habia sido perdida por KLM Royal Dutch airlains en Aeropuerto de Amsterdam día 24 de abril 2018, no se me devolvio tanto mi propia maleta como su contenido y no se me reembolso 510 Euros de su valor real ni compensado con 100 Euros solicitados por molestias y daño economico-emocional mio causado por el robo de mi maleta. Tanto no tengo vuestra respuesta, como tambien todos vuestros mensajes dirigidos a mi e-mail habian sido hackeados supuestamente por vuestros servicios secretos para borrar la prueba de vuestras actividades supuestamente delictivas de supuestamente usar equipajes de vuestros clientes para traficar por la mafia holandesa dentro de nuestras maletas con drogas, armamento u otra mercancia ilegal, de forma ilegal, porque esta situación me ocurre cada vez cuando viajo de forma transitoria por el Aeropuerto de Shiphol de Amsterdam. Pido que se haga completa investigación por Interpol quien hace esto y con que objetivos y que se trafica a China bajo tapadera de vuestros clientes, y, o se descarte estas sospechas o se los confirme; pero a mi hay que reparar el dano causado por estas actividades delictivas realizadas bajo escudo de KLM -Royal Dutch Airlains. Solicito adicionalmente indemnización de 100 Euros mas por este grave trato contra mi persona y privación de mis indispensables objetos que transporte de forma legal e impecable a mi destino en transito entre Amsterdam a Pekin. Ya os hago saber tambien que por culpa de vuestro mal servicio realizado en año 2017 he sido victima de atentado contra mi persona por parte de servicios secretos supuestamente holandesas por haber descubierto vuestras sospeciosas actividades y haberlos denunciado.…/check_refund_re…