Vatican City State is ranked NO.1 in the world per capita for Pedophiles!

Vatican City State has the disgraceful distinction as ranking NO 1. amongst all the nations of the world with the highest per capita number of pedophiles.

This is the same Vatican that even had the audacity to stage a phony child "sex abuse" conference a week ago.

The official statistics for residents of Vatican City are 800. I shall, for the sake of this post, just mention one notorious sex abuser to prove my point: Monsignor Carlo Capella. Now do the math. In a city of 800,000 that would mean: 1000.

The actual number of pedophiles and child-porn consumers/distributors hiding in Vatican City are unknown. It could be a dozen, it could be dozens. Was it not just a few years ago when the Holy See was excoriated by secular authorities for lying, hiding and obstructing justice pertaining to handing over pedophiles? Imagine that! Secular, non-believers having to excoriate men who claim they believe in Jesus Christ to bring to justice assorted clerical perverts who abuse innocent children!

To return to the latest infiltrator and enemy of Jesus Christ who entered the sacred priesthood to hide his evil inclinations, living a jet-set life of duplicity and lies: Monsignor Carlo "Carn Evil" Capella (otherwise know as "The Masturbator").

To recap: Capella, a very senior Vatican diplomat at the Nunciature in Washington D.C. fled the United States when police caught up to filthy pervert, exposing his diabolical "taste" for looking at children and possibly even babies being sexually raped, abused, tortured and perhaps even murdered.

The evil, grinning face of Carlo Capella:
child-porn consumer and distributer

Very curiously, Capella then turned up in the obscure, small town of Windsor, Ontario, visiting a parish. There, the evil churchman downloaded and then DISTRIBUTED child pornography to another contact or contacts (very likely individuals who move in the same jet-set circle that Capella moved). Why Capella was in Windsor still remains to be answered.

For his evil, vile, criminal activity in Canada, the Windsor Police and the RCMP issued a Canada-wide warrant for the arrest of this despicable swine.

The most recent happenings have been reported by Vox Cantoris, informing us that the Vatican, via the pawn of the Secretariat of State, Greg Burke, that the Canadian authorities have not requested Capella's extradition. Burke did not tell us that Capella was under lock and key. Capella also did not tell us if the Vatican will be proactively contacting Canada to accelerate the process of extradition. It is obvious that these Romans are NOT serious about child abuse, but at covering up, and keeping the cash register in the Vatican ringing.

We can also presume from Burke's statements that the child-porn monster is free in the Vatican. Was it not a mere few years ago that child-molester Bishop Wesolowski was seen free in the streets of Rome, even though the Romans told Catholics that Wesolowski was in "jail"?

Burke's statements are just a pathetic attempt to muddy the waters, engineered by his puppeteers in the Secretariat of State to implement another delay tactic.

As to the official Vatican position on Capella, we already have it, and Burke's statement was a foolish and ill-conceived attempt to trick the unwary. Thankfully, Catholics have been watching every word coming out of these Roman's mouths on the issue of "Carlo the Masturbator".

None other than Fr. Hans Zollner S .J., organizer of the phony child "sex abuse" conference informed us early last week that Capella WILL NOT be extradited, even if the Canadians and Americans request it!

Case closed.

Rome has spoken! The case is closed!

Not to defend the Faith, but to defend that demon-incarnate, Capella!

Hear Hans Zollner S.J tell us in the following video that Capella is staying in the Vatican:

The Vox asks: does Capella have access to a computer? Is he still downloading child pornography? I would add: have the Romans done anything at all to find out to whom Capella was sending his child porn? Another priest, a bishop? Or perhaps a Cardinal? And to how many? Just how big is the child pedophile and porn ring that Capella belongs to? How many churchmen are in this diabolical ring?

FInally, what about the other abusers and pornographers in the Vatican? What about those priests and bishops who participated in a homosexual drug-fueled orgy? That, is another story.…/breaking-vatica…
adeste fideles
😡 😡 😡
thats a sad story ,vatican needs a lot of prayer
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
😡 😡 🙏 🙏