Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 8th “... The earliest document commemorating this feast comes from the sixth century. St. Romanus, the great ecclesiastical lyrist of the Greek ChurchMore
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
September 8th

“... The earliest document commemorating this feast comes from the sixth century. St. Romanus, the great ecclesiastical lyrist of the Greek Church, composed for it a hymn (Card. Pitra, "Hymnogr. Graeca"...)... St. Romanus... composed his hymns between 536-556... Since the story of Mary's Nativity is known only from apocryphal sources, the Latin Church was slow in accepting this oriental festival...
[According to] The church of Angers in France... St. Maurilius instituted this feast at Angers in consequence of a revelation about 430. On the night of 8 Sept., a man heard the angels singing in heaven, and on asking the reason, they told him they were rejoicing because the Virgin was born on that night (La fête angevine N.D. de France, IV, Paris, 1864, 188)...” (1913, The Catholic Encyclopedia)
Mary's Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary