"Bergoglio caught in lies & coverup of Pedophile abuse in Argentina... Bergoglio has never officially …

Nephew of late Argentine cardinal accuses Bergoglio of covering up homosexual abuse Pope Francis attacked and stonewalled sex abuse victims while archbishop of Buenos Aires Then-Cardinal Bergoglio led …More
Nephew of late Argentine cardinal accuses Bergoglio of covering up homosexual abuse
Pope Francis attacked and stonewalled sex abuse victims while archbishop of Buenos Aires
Then-Cardinal Bergoglio led a campaign to discredit victims of a celebrity priest in Argentina.
Although Francis famously claimed in his 2010 book On Heaven and Earth that sex abuse by clergy “has never occurred in my diocese” and “in the diocese it never happened to me,” the evidence to date indicates that Pope Francis is involved in multiple cover-ups of clerical sexual predators in South America, including his own archdiocese. His involvement in at least two of these cases has continued during his papacy.
Cdl. Bergoglio made false claim in 2010 interview
JANUARY 19, 2022 Fromrome
Editor’s Note: This news is explosive. Published 11 days ago on Youtube in Italian/English subtitles, but unseen but by all than 350. This video was produced and published in German, in the very month the truth of Pope Benedict …More
la verdad prevalece
The article Bergoglio's pawns published back in Dec 26, 2011 by the Catholic journalist Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña describe Bergoglio's tactic of promoting his accomplices and getting rid of his opponents. It even describes how Bergoglio would maliciously and vindictively slander good priests to discredit them.
Bergoglio's Pawns:
Cardinal Bergoglio known how to tell lies with half-truths …More
The article Bergoglio's pawns published back in Dec 26, 2011 by the Catholic journalist Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña describe Bergoglio's tactic of promoting his accomplices and getting rid of his opponents. It even describes how Bergoglio would maliciously and vindictively slander good priests to discredit them.

Bergoglio's Pawns:

Cardinal Bergoglio known how to tell lies with half-truths – or inflated, or disguised as appropriate in each case. But he does not hesitate, when necessary to lies plain and simple” De la Cigoña Dec 26, 2011