227. Receive the Book to swallow

Jesus is the Word. At the time Jesus lived on earth, the people also had to understand it. He says all he has to say and the Word will only be understood by the opening of people’s hearts. Jesus’ Word is complete. We understand it imperfectly, by the way, because of the evolution of our time and because of the evolution of our thoughts and our heart. We must go beyond what limits us, return to the foundation to understand it.

Many prophets receive the Book to swallow. Now it’s John’s turn:
“I went up to the angel and told him to give me the small scroll. He said to me, ‘Take and swallow it. It will turn your stomach sour, but in your mouth it will taste as sweet as honey.’” Revelation, chapter 10, verse 9

A prophet is one who swallows the Word of God, it’s sweet and tastes honey, but in the stomach it’s bitter.

The bitterness of being unable to do anything, of feeling useless in the face of a world that is struggling and suffering. But in the mouth, the honey of the one who offered his life to Christ and the one who receives everything from him. John feels the interior sweetness of God’s Love. He witnessed what Jesus did in hearts.

We observe the grace in John shared through his writing, the sweet honey of his life with Jesus and the sweet honey of the life and message of Jesus.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Let’s evangelize, Normand Thomas